I am several articles behind, and I do apologize. It has been a crazy week as I've been transitioning
Turning the Tide with Candace Salima from BlogTalkRadio to Livestream. Everyone can now listen, and watch, my radio show right on my
website. I'll write more on this later.
Anyway, here we go, all the articles at once:
A Cause Worth Dying For
Published 30 September 2011
Youcef Nadarkhani, a 32-year old pastor, is facing execution today, because he has the temerity to accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, rather than Allah. Despite being imprisoned for two years, and subjected to untold horrors and tortures, Nadarkhani has remained strong in his faith, he will not deny Jesus Christ.
In Iran, this is a crime punishable by death, and by the publishing of this article, the good pastor could already be dead, his wife a widow, and his children fatherless. Although, his defense is hopeful the appeals court will give Nadarkhani a full acquittal before it’s too late.
Facebook Data Mining or Big Brother Run Amuck?
Published 28 September 2011
I was happily researching my article comparing Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, posting funny things I found on Facebook in the process. It was interesting as I was digging up sources, finding quotes, videos, etc. until a post showed up immediately on my FB profile, stating the following:
Everything we post on Facebook goes to the Obama 2012 page. Facebook is putting our posts on Barack Obama’s page any time you mention his name in your update. We have to stop this!
Isle of Misfit Politicians
Published 27 September 2011
Do you remember that old Christmas cartoon The Isle of Misfit Toys? Well, last week it popped into my head that we need an Isle of Misfit Politicians, only there would be no Rudolph or Santa coming to the rescue. I can think of a number of politicians who would grace this lonely isle. I’m certain it would inspire them to redistribute whatever wealth was available, or build homes for the disenfranchised.
Looking at the political climate, it’s frankly embarrassing to have the likes of Barack Obama prancing around the country pimping his American Jobs Act which is an unmitigated disaster. While catering to others, according to Maxine Waters, Obama called for the Congressional Black Caucus to shut up and put on their big boy pants: “I expect all of you to march with me and press on. Take off your bedroom slippers, put on your marching shoes. Shake it off. Stop complaining, stop grumbling, stop crying. We are going to press on. We’ve got work to do, CBC.” Oh no, they didn’t take too kindly to that!
War on the Southern Border
Published on 19 September 2011
On September 17th I was privileged to interview the director of Border Narcotics Intelligence, a private agency working in concert with law enforcement in our southwestern states. They gather intelligence regarding the drug trade which they then turn over to the effected law enforcement agency. We discussed America’s 3rd War, the war between the Mexican drug cartels, the illegal immigrants, and America. We also talked about the effect this war is having on Americans in every city, county, and state. It was a clarifying interview sparking this article.
The war on our southern border is invading every aspect of American society. It is not just a war between the cartels and the Border Patrol. It doesn’t stay just between drug dealers and drug users. Illegal immigrants, if they aren’t forced into being drug mules or prostitutes, steal their way into America and 71% to 75% of them commit identity fraud. Middle Easterners and East Indians are quickly becoming the favorite of the coyotes. In other words, terrorists have an open entry into America where they will not be tracked. No visas. Nothing. They just purchase a false identity and disappear into American cities.
Book Review: Believe in America by Mitt Romney
Published by 18 September 2011
I don’t believe we’ve ever seen a candidate for United States president publish the basis of his economic plan for all to read before. And yet, this is precisely what Mitt Romney has done. He then, very wisely, made it available in electronic format, both on his website and on Kindle … and to top it all off, it’s free.
That’s the right price for me, so I immediately downloaded it onto my laptop and Galaxy Tab and started reading. I was not only pleasantly surprised by the thoroughness of the contents, it set a new standard for me in presidential candidates. Let me explain.
Copyright 2011. All rights reserved by Candace E. Salima.
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