Convention of Statesmen


I am asked "Why?"

Often people email me, write me or speak to me about giving Barack Obama a chance. They glance at me, somewhat askance, because I so vociferously defend the U.S. Constitution and this beloved nation of mine, the Republic of the United States of America and ask me: "Why? Life's not so bad. America's not in danger. The Constitution is fine. All is well, Candace, just relax." So I've spent the last weekend looking over the course of my life.

As a child, certainly life was easier although we were not wealthy, or even comfortably well off, by any stretch of the imagination. But I had a mother who valued reading, books, education and country life. She taught us to love reading, value books as a source of information, inspiration and motivation. She taught us the value of gardening, farming and taking care of yourself, your family and others in need. When she divorced my biological father, she taught us the value of taking a stance and accepting the consequences, no matter what they may be. When she married the father of my heart, she taught us about taking a leap of faith, believing and trust in a loving God and the power of having a righteous, perpetually good yet imperfect man in our lives. My sweet mother shared with us the joy of a beautiful flower in bloom, a young baby goat vigorously nursing from a milk bottle as we cradled these newborns in our arms. She taught us the joy of romping with puppies in the yard, because that is what she did. She taught me how to cook, care for a home, take a stand, continually educate my mind, trust in God and to believe in myself at all costs. Yes, my life as a child was a good one filled with laughter, love and family.

Then I became an adult. I underwent open heart surgery in August of 1981 and by late October of that same year I entered college and began the continuation of my education. When I finished at Ricks College I went on to Brigham Young University. College was fun, sometimes the classes were hard and other time I couldn't get enough knowledge from the teacher to satisfy the thirst I had for that subject. But in essence, my college years were easy and life was good.

When I entered the workforce, like others, sometimes I had a good job and sometimes I had a bad job. I constantly pursued knowledge, skills and experience all to one end, launching my own company one day, and yes, I am almost there. But life was easy and good. I lived in America where I was able to pursue my dreams and goals with the understanding that if I would work hard enough, carefully plan my future and pursue those dreams and goals with an unwavering focus then those dreams would become reality. And yes, many of those dreams and goals have been accomplished and met, and others are still to come. Again, life was easy and good.

Many years later I married my college sweetheart. His health hasn't been great, but we have had great times and also extremely difficult times. There were days when I wondered if this man I loved so much would walk this mortal path with me much longer. As his health worsened, days became tougher but we approached them with absolute faith and devotion to God, and thus kept our eyes on our eternities rather than this mortality with seemingly insurmountable mountains and the unbelievably low valleys. Alvin's health improved and he's doing better now than he has in many long years. This life was good because we lived in this great nation, belonged to God's church and remembered to appreciate the little beauties of life along the way.

September 11 of 2001 happened and life, as my generation, knew it changed. Over the last 8 years the memories of Americans have faded as year after year went by and no attack happened on U.S. soil again. But my consciousness was awakened, an event to which I am certain my ancestors rejoiced. I begin to study anew the history of America. Cleon Skousen's "Making of America" and his "The 5,000 Year Leap" were eyeopening, to say the least. As I became immersed in understanding and participating in the political process, which is a great privilege of each American citizen, I began to understand more and more the slippery and dangerous slide we began into socialism beginning with Franklin Delano Roosevelt. As I studied the words of Ezra Taft Benson, former Secretary of Agriculture, I began to see the danger awaiting future generations. And yet it did not fully come home until the presidential campaign of 2008.

I thoroughly researched each of the candidates and came away with terror growing in my heart. I believed Americans would understand the beauty and power of a republic, the form of government established by the Founding Fathers. I believed they would not embrace a candidate who spouted Karl Marx and clearly indicated he would destroy America as it stood, and rebuild it into a socialist, even a communist, nation. But as the weeks and months went by and this candidate spouted "change" at every turn, very few Americans asked Barack Obama what change he was talking about until the waning days of the campaign when people had already stopped listening. Life wasn't so easy anymore.

I begin to write article after article and blog after blog about the dangers of what this man was offering America. I studied more and more, I researched voting records. I read books and listened to interviews and I learned. The more I learned the more concerned I became. As hate mail began to pour in and more and more my name and reputation were besmirched by those who espoused socialism as the answer to America's problems, the more I began to stand firmly as I had been taught.

I studied the Founding Fathers, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and I launched a political email list sending my articles and blogs out to the world. Life could be easy no more. Than Barack Obama took office and the America I knew and loved was quickly dismantled with the rapid stroke of a pen. I could not sit with my head in the sand, sipping ice cold lemonade and floating along. The economy was tanking and decisions being made in Washington D.C. were making it worse. The President of the United States then reached beyond his constitutional powers and took over private enterprise in the auto, banking and insurance industries. He spent with a madness unchecked by the judicial or legislative branches and still people asked me why I was so worried. Unemployment numbers continued to climb until we are now at a staggering 9.4% unemployment rate. And Washington D.C. said, "We have to spend more money. We have to or the American economy will be destroyed." The logic of it escaped me completely.

When the tea parties began to be thrown I suddenly saw a way to start fighting back that didn't involve violence. I saw a way to unite Americans in a single cause ... to take America back and restore the republic. I saw a path to defend the Constitution and restore it in its entirety. I knew this was a battle I had to join and one I could never surrender. And the hate mail grew. The snide comments of both the racist and extremist were thrown at me. My problems with Obama are not that he's black, but that he is a communist. So racist doesn't fit, for I have never been nor will I ever be a racist. Rightwing extremist? Well, if loving America, defending the Constitution and bucking the communist Obama administration is a rightwing extremist, then I embrace it wholly and completely. However, I am more a Common Sense Conservative than an extremist. I will never pick up a gun, but I will not stop speaking or writing until America is once again Ronald Reagan's shining city on a hill.

So no, I cannot simply sit back and wait and see. The destruction to America from within has been great and it is a lack of education that allows any American to sit back and say, "All is well." All is not well, America. It is, in fact, in dire straits. These are times for Americans to arise and say, "No more will we tolerate a government who does not listen to the people. No more will we tolerate corruption and direct attacks on the U.S. Constitution. We cannot carry the tax burden the Obama Administration has placed on the American people. I personally cannot carry that tax burden which is growing (See and I tremble at the thought of how much of our income will go to Obama and his minions. There are socialist nations paying almost 60% of their income to their government to pay for socialized medicine, welfare, etc.

How long can the American worker carry the lazy on their backs? How long can the wealthy, who can no longer turn a profit because of the tax burden, pay for those who will not work? Just until the money runs out and then nobody has anything. The only system that works is a system of free enterprise and capitalism. It is the only system that can sustain itself. Although it requires self-control, honesty and integrity, as James Madison said, to keep itself from decaying from within. Greed has no place in free enterprise. Hard work, perserverance and integrity are what can make a society successful, eating your young only destroys.

And so to those who want me to stand down and enjoy life while Obama and his "ignorant, tax evading peeps" destroy this nation I love so much, I answer, "No, I will not." To those who want me to give Obama a chance I answer, "He destroyed that chance before the sun set on his first day in office." To those who want me to let the republic die without a whimper I say, "Not as long as I draw breath upon this earth."

I cannot take the easy path to destruction, but must fight the fight of the patriots who have gone before me. I support and uphold the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence. I do so, without equivocation:

...I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, One nation, Under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

I cannot, nor will I ever, betray the sacrifices of the men and women who have fought the wars of this nation since its inception. From the Revolutionary War to this very day my family has bled and died for this nation and I will not denigrate their sacrifices by spitting in the face of liberty. I cannot, nor will I ever, allow the mocking laughter, insults and false accusations of racist ever to deter me from my course of liberty and justice for all.
I am asked "Why?" I am asked "Why?" Reviewed by Unknown on Sunday, June 07, 2009 Rating: 5


  1. That was very moving and I share your sentiment and beliefs exactly. We have to fight to stop Socialism and if I have to Tea Party and join 20-30 websites or drive to D.C. to march 9.12 project, I will. It has to do with keeping our freedom and constitutional rights. If you get a chance, go to

    Andrea Lyle
    Fayetteville, GA

  2. I feel even as you do and I am saddened by what is occurring on a daily basis in Wash. DC. I, too, was awakened to a whole new world on Sept. 11 as I was on my way to work in White Plains, NY and heard the news on the radio. For some reason I didn't know I was not playing any CD in my car that day, The spot on the road where I first heard it said by Curtis Sliwa that a plane had smashed into one of the towers in NYC is burnt into my memory. He said immediately that it was an attack while his atheist, communist, left-leaning lawyer co-host Ron Kuby insisted until the second plane hit that it could be an accident. (Don't flame me. Kuby admits to that description.)
    That right there was a sign as to who understood what was at stake.
    More importantly, when I arrived at work, I told one of my co-workers that there was going to a war. Stunned we sat on the 11th floor of our building planning how we were going to get operations back in NYC ASAP. You, see I worked for Nextel then and our crews were right in the middle of all frantic, unfathomable chaos that was Manhattan.
    Since that time I have had many conversations with people about where this country is headed and how that event changed THE WHOLE WORLD, not just the U.S. Please see my blog if you have a chance, go to and check out our webradio station This country is on the brink and many days I cannot see a way out of the circumstances we are in. Not because Americans are unable to take on any task, but because so many are not aware of the danger. And because so many would be willing to march like lemmings into the sea (I think God put them there to be a warning.) and follow Barack Obama wherever he may lead. This is anathema!

  3. Candace, except for the family situation at the beginning, this could have easily been written by me! I too have felt the same fear growing within my breast and I too have joined the Tea Party and the Glenn Beck 912 Project (where I am a study group leader for The 5,000 Year Leap.) I have just finished teaching our HOMESCHOOL Teens that class as well and I can tell you now that there are teens in this nation that understand more about the Constitution and the Founding Fathers than most of our elected officials in D.C.

    I believe there is an ULTIMATE group that we can join to effect change upon our nation, as the Tea Parties and the 912 groups will not amount to much unless they galvanize on a national scale. The group I am referring to is the JOHN BIRH SOCIETY.

    All who care about America and the Constitution MUST join the JBS! This is exactly what they are about. They, too, have been made out to be look like the enemy and the bad guy. But I can tell you their work is to keep the Constitution save and over turn as much as this socialistic agenda as possible.

    We must unite if we are going to make a difference.

    God bless us in doing so.

  4. I just returned from a Making of America a couple of weekends ago. I have read a lot of the same things you have and feel the same way. Education is key in staying informed and realizing what truly is happening. It is so sad. I read Ezra in the 80's and people thought I was nuts about some things. Now they ask me questions.

  5. I agree with you so much that things are not OK. I am so scared of where things are moving. However unlike most, I am going out there to fight. I am running for the US Senate here in WI for a third party and along the way educating people of the dangers. I am not sure we will make 2010, if so then what pieces will someone like me in office will have to pick up. You can check out my issues at I think you will see I am out for the fight.

  6. Thanks for your eloquence Candace. I always love reading your own words.

    Although I am not as involved as you are in politics, I agree with you whole heartedly on the issues.

    I honor and appreciate the fight in you and I vow to try and do a little more.

    Right now, on most days, I have to be happy with my effort to just teach my children the same things that you were taught by an amazing mom....and to me, that will make a difference.

  7. First, allow me to compliment you on this truly exceptional essay. I found my way here via my good friend Hoosier Army Mom, who could not say enough good things about your writing skills, and the important message you convey. Now let me say that I am far from being a conspiracy theorist, but your words, “ I cannot simply sit back and wait and see. The destruction to America from within has been great and it is a lack of education that allows any American to sit back and say, "All is well" appear to hit the nail squarely upon its head.

    Like most conservatives, I have given much thought to how it is possible for any intelligent, well-educated American to cast their votes for avowed Marxists. As some may pretend these are ‘name-calling labels,’ such arguments simply belie their lack of enlightened understanding. A Marxist is one who pursues a dangerously foreign socio-political ideology … and if that does not describe the Democratic Party right now, and the entire Øbama infrastructure, then I don’t know what does. But the answer is that our public education system (and it doesn’t even matter which state you wish to illustrate) has become the incubator for general acceptance of American-hating principles. Slowly, but steadily, American schools have made the case that George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were hedonistic racists (slave owners), that the founding fathers pursued their own financial self-interests in designing our Constitution, and that as a Nation, America is no more than a bastion for murdering imperialists. Nothing I have said here is an exaggeration, and it only gets worse when you begin looking at the curriculum at our ‘most prestigious’ universities.

    Øbama is who he is. He won’t change because he is committed to ‘his truth,’ which is the truth of Marx, Alinsky, and Chomsky. Ninety percent of the people who voted for Øbama do not even know who these people were. So let us recognize that Øbama is only a small part of the problem; our concern must focus on the people who voted for him. How do we reach out to a largely ignorant population? America is on a dangerous path; if we don’t stop this right now, and I mean to infer with the elections next year, we may not be able to save our country from the communists. Liberals have already wrought extraordinary damage upon us, and future generations. The elections of 2010 may be our last chance.

    Thank you for your insightful and stimulating essay.

    Semper Fidelis

  8. Candace, I agree with the concerns over the direction our nation is headed with Obama and his co-conspirators leading the way. I feel deeply for the nation once founded by great, righteous revolutionary leaders, inspired by God, to proclaim and fight for freedom. But with the vast majority of the population falling in line toward communism, I am left to say, as Mormon did (paraphrasing), "O ye fair ones, how could ye have departed from the ways of the Lord? ... But ye are gone, and I mourn your loss." I believe it is a less-productive use of my time and energy to try to change the direction of the nation that does not want to be changed, that is 'past feeling', who 'curse God and wish to die, yet they struggle with the sword for their lives' in their own ways. Instead, I am looking for individual 'survivors'. As we approach the last days, all of our efforts to save the entire nation will be largely wasted, based on what I understand about the last days. The Constitution and its principles will be held valid only among the righteous. So that is where I wish to focus my efforts. Although I use my blog to make commentary about the evils of socialism and liberalism, I realize that I am either entertaining righteous conservatives or annoying the liberal Obama-zombies. I will not convert any of them. They have no desire to be converted. They have found their messiah, and he is opposite of the Messiah we choose to worship. As a priesthood leader and community member, I am looking for local 'survivors' who want to follow the wisdom and counsel of inspired leaders in Zion rather than to try to fight Babylon. But I applaud anyone in their righteous endeavors toward liberty and inalienable rights. Rick C.

  9. I am dumbfounded that people in our neck of the woods have fallen for B.O.

    I would have thought we had all been taught better, to recognize him for what he is. I don't have "Hope" for what he is going to try and do, just a healthy respect to be prepared.

    The only thing I can think of that I have in common with B.O. is we both like Conan the Barbarian, but thats not enough. I'm sharpening my sword in anticapation that I'll need it against him and his pc thugs.

  10. Candace, I agree with every thing you have said. This man scares me more every day. My daughter has
    ( The Dance) has instructed me on how to set up a blog, and I have considered doing so just to post such things as I just read on yours. I may yet do so, though I fear my writing will not be as well done as yours. Hope you are having a good day.
    Gary Hulsey


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