Convention of Statesmen


Mitt Romney Rap - Time to Laugh

Mitt pulled the rug out from under my plan. Killing me here!

Here's something else to make you laugh:

Mildred, the church gossip and self-appointed monitor of the church's morals, kept sticking her nose into other people's business.

Several members did not approve of her activities, but feared her enough to maintain their silence. She made a mistake, however, when she accused George, a new church member, of being an alcoholic after she saw his old pickup parked in front of the town's only bar one afternoon.

She emphatically told George (and several others) that everyone seeing it there would know what he was doing.

George, a man of few words, stared at her for a moment and then just turned and walked away. He didn't explain, defend, or deny... He said nothing. You see….(George is the towns D.D. or Designated Driver)

Later that evening, George quietly parked his pickup in front of Mildred's house... Walked home... And left it there all night.

Ya gotta love George!
Mitt Romney Rap - Time to Laugh Mitt Romney Rap - Time to Laugh Reviewed by Unknown on Friday, February 15, 2008 Rating: 5


  1. Candace, I thought for sure that you would be blogging today about Mitts endorsement. WHAT A SELLOUT!! I cannot believe he would do this. Does he have another plan in the master scheme of things? This is just not right. Not only will I not support McCain, I will actively campaign against McCain. So who is there now to vote for in this presidential campaign? Absolutely nobody so what is the point on voting now?

  2. Hey, hey f. mathew vonstieff -- thanks for dropping by. Especially now that I know who you are!

    Mitt is going seek the Republican nomination in 2012. He cannot do that if he did offer the support and endorse the front runner. It's the way the game is played at that level. It sucks, but there you have it. We need him as president in 2012 to clean up the unmitigated disaster which will be left behind by his predecessor.

  3. Maybe in 2012 this will show the people, see what you could have had!?!?! So in the meantime I think I will do a write in ballot of Alfred E Neuman, or Homer J Simpson for this election

  4. Well shoot! You might as well write me in!

  5. I was totally shocked by Mitt's endorsement of McCain. Bert and I had a massive chat about it this morning.

    Bert and I had differing opinions on it; Bert's basically being that Romney was being politically pragmatic and savvy.

    After giving the matter some thought, mine is a totally different opinion. The guy quit the race because he LOVES AMERICA. He believes wholeheartedly that either Democratic candidate will totally ruin America. His whole modus operandi is to do what's best for AMERICA. Thus he doesn't really care what the polls think - he will do what he thinks is right no matter what. He could care less whether he gets popularity points - he'll just do what is right.

    He sees that McCain is right now the Republican front runner. He knows the Democrats MUST NOT get into the white house - so he supports McCain as the only person on the Republican side who can possibly beat the Dems. He may totally dislike McCain....but the Dems must be kept out of the white house at all costs...and thus he endorsed McCain.

    And if people believe he's selling out - that's their problem. He doesn't much care about that. All he cares about is doing what he believes is the RIGHT thing.

    The Politically savvy thing to do, imho, is to leave McCain to hang and become the darling of the Conservatives. The Dems are going to get in the White House - that was obvious as soon as Romney dropped out. Therefore, Politically, Romney just needed to ride out the next four absolutely appalling Democratic years. The backlash against those hideous years would be huge, and Romney, as the Conservative darling, would be all set to snag the Republican nomination in the next election.

    But he didn't do that.

    He did what he thought would be the best for America - keeping the Dems out RIGHT NOW.

    This is a man with great personal integrity.

  6. Thanks Candace. That was hilarious. I hope you don't mind, but I posted it onto my political blog. I now have to go to Fox New's website and post on their blogs to send traffic to it. I did post a link to your blog and gave you proper credit for being the first one to show it to me.

  7. ah candace,
    i got a kick out of this one. thanks for sharing the cute and funny. God bless ya girl, kathleen :)

  8. I really enjoyed the laugh, I am so glad some folks can have a sense of humor. I hope someone gives him a pat on the back...

  9. Candace I hope you dont mind, I coppied the example of George and put it on my blog. I did state that it came from your blog.
    I was empressed, and wanted to share it with my family.

  10. I LOVE it!

    And I'll write you in for president this year! You have more courage, integrity, and political savvy than anybody running!

  11. Mitt made the only real move that he could, if he wanted a future in politics in the GOP. I'm glad he is planning on sticking around and being a force in the GOP. Maybe he can make an impact.

    Mitt 2012

  12. I just gave you a blog award. Come get it!

  13. Is this a true story about George? LOVE IT!

  14. Hi Alice, no, as far as I know, this is not a true story about George. It was a joke that came in my email box. Thought it would be fun to share.


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