Convention of Statesmen


America . . . the Promised Land

I drove to Beaver, Utah yesterday through insane windstorms and dust storms to speak to a group of 30 or 40 ladies about my life as a wife, writer and theologian. It was a wonderful experience and one I enjoyed immensely. In fact, I'll be back there in March of 2008 giving a fireside. But that is beside the point.

As I spoke I was reminded of what my father endured as a child at the hands of Hitler's armies. On the way home I listened to the Glenn Beck Show, one of my favorite radio shows. He spoke of the attitude forced upon Americans, convincing us that we do not live in a promised land and we are not a special people. He spoke most passionately about this land being the promised land and the people . . . also promised. He spoke of Christopher Columbus and how a divine hand led him to the Americas. He spoke of pride and greed overcoming this same man and how it cost him everything, dying a broken and destitute man. He had turned from God.

It was if I were listening to my father discuss the precious gift we have in this nation. Well, I agree with my dad and Glenn Beck. America is the promised land and only the righteous may dwell here. We still have millions upon millions of righteous Americans, but the tide is turning and it is a dangerous tide.
2 Nephi 10 tells us the following:

11 And this land shall be a land of aliberty unto the Gentiles, and there shall be no bkings upon the land, who shall raise up unto the Gentiles.

12 And I will fortify this land aagainst all other nations.

13 And he that afighteth against Zion shall bperish, saith God.

14 For he that raiseth up a aking against me shall perish, for I, the Lord, the bking of heaven, will be their king, and I will be a clight unto them forever, that hear my words.
President Marion G. Romney further explained:

More than two thousand years before his birth in the flesh, Jesus Christ led a small colony of people from Asia to America. As they came he instructed their prophet leaders “that whoso should possess this land of promise, from that time henceforth and forever, should serve Him, the true and only God, or they should be swept off … when they are ripened in iniquity” (Ether 2:8–9).

The descendants of this people, known as the Jaredites, became a mighty nation. They flourished here for some two thousand years. Obeying Christ in righteousness, they rose at times to great heights. Rejecting him, they declined until they completely annihilated themselves in fratricidal wars. An abridgment of their tragic history is found in the Book of Ether.

In 600 b.c., about the time the Jaredites were annihilating themselves, Jesus Christ directed another colony to this land. He revealed to them, as he had to the Jaredites, the truth that he is the God and King of the land [America]; that through accepting and obeying Him as such, they could always remain a free, prosperous, and happy people; and that if they chose to reject Him and disobey His laws, they would bring upon themselves certain destruction.

That they might be convinced, the Savior made available to them the records of the Jaredites, whom they replaced.

The thousand-year history of these people records their division into two factions—Nephites and Lamanites.

When they followed the guidance of the God of the land they reached great heights. After His postresurrection ministry among them, all who survived the cataclysm which accompanied His crucifixion—both Nephites and Lamanites—were “converted unto the Lord.” United, they built a society in which for about two hundred years “there were no contentions and disputations among them, and every man did deal justly one with another. … There were not rich and poor, bond and free, but they were all made free, and … the Lord did prosper them exceedingly in the land.

President Ezra Taft Benson, prophet, seer and revelator as well as former Secretary of Agriculture for the United States said, "I love America. I love the people in this beloved land as well as our Father’s children in all other countries. The Lord decreed that America is “a land choice above all other lands” to those who keep His commandments. We remain here in this land as long as we remain in God’s divine favor."

I promise that this was a land held in reserve that the gospel of Jesus Christ might be fully restored on her free shores. I assure you that the saints of Jesus Christ would and will hold a standard to the nations of the expectations of the Lord. From this promised land the restored gospel was spread to the world, and to this day, continues to spread.

Over the past decades many have attempted to dissuade Americans from this truth. We have been accused of being elitists because we know this land is promised and we know we are privileged to live within her borders. Why? Why are we to be ashamed or convinced this land was not held in reserve by the Lord to serve the purpose of saving the world? Why are we to believe that it is not our responsibility to be that example of freedom, hope, morality, courage and strength? It is not elitist. It is knowledge.

We are a privileged and promised people living in a promised land. Millions have died in defense of this nation, and nations across the world and all we have held dear for over two hundred years because they believed it was worth fighting and dying for.

What will you do when someone tries to convince you this is not a promised land?

What will you do when the time comes to stand for what you believe in and defend it with all your passion, strength and courage?

What will you do when standing before the Lord and He asks for a report on your stewardship as an American citizen?

Will you answer the call?
America . . . the Promised Land America . . . the Promised Land Reviewed by Unknown on Tuesday, October 02, 2007 Rating: 5


  1. I also love living in America. I have only lived out of our blessed country for about a month, and I will never forget how I felt when I stepped back onto American soil. We take the freedoms and call that we have for granted most of the time. Thanks for the reminders Candace! The quotes and scriptures were perfect.

  2. Marne - I remember crossing the border into Mexico and the immediate feeling of oppression which overcame me. We were only in Mexico for a few hours but I was so grateful to return to American soil where, even with all our problems, the Lord's tangible protection is felt.

    And you're welcome. This topic was heavy on my mind today.

  3. Thank. You.

    Yesterday I was at a website where the discussion was on why we should not celebrate Thanksgiving, about how the Pilgrims & Columbus were evil oppressors, and basically how it would have been better if everyone just stayed in Europe as well as anger at the public schools for teaching 5 & 6 year olds that the pilgrims were good people who wanted religious freedom. History isn't pretty, but that doesn't always mean it was purposeful. Yes the Indians contracted smallpox, that doesn't mean the pilgrims were vengefully passing out "smallpox blankets" on purpose to steal their farmland.

  4. Hi Jen,

    Several colonies attempted to begin a new life, Jonestown being one of them. It was all men, no families. God was forgotten and greed ruled. It was a failure.

    The pilgrims who came for religious freedom lived their lives according to God and befriended the Indians. Yes, new diseases were brought but it wasn't done on purpose, as you said.

    I really detest those who vilify those who settled this country. They were guided by a divine hand.

    As the Native Americans lost their land, so too will we if we do not live up to our covenants and promises in righteousness. This fact has been proven time and time again. Sadly.

    I really think those that hate the people who made their lives possible should just pack up and get out. Our founding fathers (Jefferson, Washington, Franklin, Adams, Madison, etc.) have also been vilified as being evil, amoral people. To what purpose does this character assassination serve? It could not be farther from the truth. They were good righteous men who appeared to Wilford Woodruff and demanded to know what their work had not been done. They who had given everything to make this a free land.

    I don't know, Jen. I just don't understand people some times.

  5. Holy cow, Jen, that sounds like some outrageous website.

    Great post, Candace, as always.

  6. I always enjoy your posts, Candace. They're so thought provoking and this one especially. I have experienced frustration with the American justice system, but it was nothing compared to the fear I've felt at the corruptness of the so-called system in a foreign country.

  7. Tristi - thanks. And yeah, that website Jen mentioned sounds absolutely insane.

    Karen - I agree with you completely.

  8. Oh Candace, you brought back some memories for me today. I love being an American, I'm proud to be here. I actually tried to joint the army, the navy, and the air force when I graduated from high school, but they definitely wanted someone with eyesight that was greater than 20/200 without glasses!

    Anyway, this post may be a little long, I apologize in advance.

    Several years ago there was an LDS women's list that I belonged to. We were all LDS women of all ages and most of us were from the US. We had 2 sisters join us (literal sister, not just gospel sisters) who lived in Norway. We all got along fine, wonderfully in fact, and it was so much fun to enjoy the fellowship of these sisters, hear their testimonies, and share a little bit of our culture in return for learning about theirs. Then President Bush was re-elected. Oh my heavens... All hell broke loose, and I'm not kidding. All of a sudden it was like those 2 sisters just turned on all of us. We were living in a wicked opressed country. Bush was a madman and he was a murderer, a dictator, and ruled by tyranny. It was awful, seriously. They immediately withdrew from the forum even though several of us pleaded with them not to go. I tried telling them both that politics was really not the important this that was binding us all together anyway, it was the gospel. We were still sisters in faith, no matter who our president was, or who their king was. They refused to even acknowledge that the e-mail that I had sent to them privately. It still breaks my heart that they believed the rumors that had been spread about Pres. Bush, but it breaks my heart even more that we lost the companionship of those sisters. I still miss them.

    That story aside, I'm scared for this country, I truly am. For the first time in a long time I'm afraid of what will happen with the election in November. So many people who are morally corrupt already in power, it scares me to think of more. I do believe that this is a land of great promise, but I also believe that Heavenly Father is being questioned, tested, and ignored far too often and that we're going to suffer because of it.

    I'm sorry this is so long...


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