Convention of Statesmen


Context Missing from Discussion About LDS Women

This is a response from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on the current, and ever repeating, issue of women and the priesthood. I stand with the Church on this issue, in every possible way.

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Comments on various blogs over recent months about what Church leaders should or should not think and do about women’s roles in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints prompt me to provide some context from an insider perspective that may be helpful.

Recently a woman posted this comment on a blog:
Please understand that not [all] women who wish to be seen in all their worth are seeking to be ordained to the priesthood…. What I am finding…. is that most of these women have been demeaned and marginalized by one (and usually many more) of the brothers of our faith. They have been told their ideas won’t work. They have been told they are not important. They have been told they are lesser.
The point is a noteworthy one, namely that LDS women who describe themselves as feminists don’t necessarily seek ordination, but rather to be genuinely valued and given a voice that is respected and welcomed.

There are three specific criticisms that have been raised on various blogs that will be addressed here:

Copyright 2014. All rights reserved by Candace E. Salima.

Context Missing from Discussion About LDS Women Context Missing from Discussion About LDS Women Reviewed by Unknown on Friday, May 30, 2014 Rating: 5

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