Convention of Statesmen


Mike Lee to Announce His Candidacy Today

Mike Lee will be announcing his candidacy tomorrow morning, Tuesday January 5, 2010, at 10:30 at the State Capitol Building in the Capitol Board Room. Mike will be introduced by former Governor Norm Bangerter and Congressman Jim Hansen.

He is committed to ending the cycle government expansion orchestrated by lifetime politicians who see more government as the answer to all social ills. We can reverse this cycle, but only by sending a new generation of leadership to Washington—representatives who are committed to returning the federal government to its constitutional roots.

Mike is deeply committed to ending this cycle. This can be accomplished only by pledging to put an end to our deficit spending habits, to fix our distorted tax system, and to end the age of the career politician through term limits.

ABOUT MIKE LEE: An attorney from Alpine, Utah, Lee has served as a law clerk to Judge Dee Benson of the U.S. District Court for the District of Utah, as a law clerk to Judge Samuel Alito of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, as an Assistant U.S. Attorney, as General Counsel to Governor Jon Huntsman, and as a law clerk to Justice Samuel Alito of the U.S. Supreme Court. He has also held positions in private practice, and is currently a partner with the Washington, D.C.-based law firm of Howrey LLP.


Connie Smith, Campaign Chairman
csmith at

Ryan McCoy, Campaign Manager
rmccoy at

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As I mentioned on this blog before, I publicly and firmly endorse Mike Lee. He is the man I want in the Senate because of his conservative values, his love and fierce defense of the U.S. Constitution, his knowledge of the Founding Fathers and the republic form of government. He is running against Bob Bennett.

Copyright 2009. All rights reserved by Candace E. Salima.

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Mike Lee to Announce His Candidacy Today Mike Lee to Announce His Candidacy Today Reviewed by Unknown on Tuesday, January 05, 2010 Rating: 5

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