Convention of Statesmen


When Americans Stand Up and Are Counted

This is what happens when Americans stand up and are counted. This kind of difference can happen on November 4th. There is more than your immediate wallet at stake now. Can we do it? Can we contact friends, neighbors, peers and family across the nation and let them know how critical it is that John McCain win this election?

If Barack Obama wins, our whole way of life will be shot to Hades and we'll be left standing in the smoke and ashes of what will be left of America after an Obama administration is in office for less than a year. Can we stand? Can we make a difference? Will you make a difference? Will you start today?

You can donate to the McCain Palin ticket.

You can write an edorsement filled with fact and the reasons you are voting for a McCain/Palin ticket and email it to everyone you know.

You can believe you will make a difference if you will become informed and stand and be counted.

You can study the issues and make a firm and solid decision: Do you stand for a democratic America or will you sit for a communist America? Once that decision is made, if you're willing to fight for the America which has stood for so long, then stand up and be counted. If you prefer the communist America, move to Russia where Putin is trying with all his might to restore the USSR. We don't need you here.

If you believe America is a good nation. That we further the cause of freedom and democracy then stand and be counted.

If you believe America is a nation of strong, courageous men and women, then stand and be counted.

If you believe America is the furthest thing from a racist and terrorist nation, then stand be counted.

If you believe we stand as one nation, under God, a Judeo-Christian God, that religious freedom is still the standard in America, then stand and be counted.

If you believe the millions of lives which have been given in the cause of America as a free nation are of value, then stand and be counted.

If you believe you, and you alone, can make a difference, then stand and be counted. And if you don't think you can, watch the above video, one more time.

We can make a difference. I will not kowtow or surrender to the leftist, communist anti-Americans who wish to destroy our nation, our Constitution and our hearts. I will not cower in my home as their insanity rages across the airwaves and print media of this nation. I will not face my ancestors one day, on the other side of the veil, and say, "They were too loud. I couldn't stop them." Because if I could see what my ancestors could see . . . I would know there are a lot more of us than there are of them. But we must stand up, speak out and be counted.

Stand. Stand for truth and righteousness. Stand for America. Stand . . . and be counted.
When Americans Stand Up and Are Counted When Americans Stand Up and Are Counted Reviewed by Unknown on Tuesday, October 07, 2008 Rating: 5


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ah, the haters have arrived. I usually delete these because the twisting of the truth usually so astounding they are not worth posting. But Amanda simply doesn't understand the founding father and how deeply devoted to God they are. And yes, the right to religious freedom extends to everyone. You don't see Christians trying to shut down all the above mentioned. But the atheists, they want to deprive all Christians of our right to worship our God. So Amanda, once again I hear from someone who clearly has no understanding of America.


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