Convention of Statesmen


Recipe: Fried Apples

The first time I tasted fried apples I was sitting in a Cracker Barrel in Missouri. Heaven on earth! I absolutely loved them.

So when I returned home I started looking at recipes, checking things out . . . this was something totally new to me. I grew up in the West . . . great cooking but no fried apples. In the South? Oh yeah, they have fried apples.

So I sampled. Tested. Experimented. Some were too bland. Some way too spicy. Some just not adventurous enough. So one day I hit upon the perfect combination and I was a happy, happy woman. So I invite you to try the fried apples that brought me a little closer to heaven. Okay, well not really . . . but it felt like it!

Fried Apples

4 Apples, peeled and cored and sliced into rings or sections, the choice is yours. I personally do sections.

In a cast iron skillet, add:

1/4 C. Water
1/3 C. Butter
1 t. Cinnamon
1/2 t. Nutmeg
1/8 t. Allspice
1/8 t. Cloves
1/8 t. Ginger

Cook until butter is melted.

Add apples, cooking them for ten minutes. Turn them once or twice while cooking.

Mix and sprinkle:

1/3 C. Light Brown Sugar
2 T. Lemon Juice

Sprinkle over apples as you turn them. Gently stir until the sugar and lemon juice cover all the apples. Cover the skillet and remove it from the heat. Let apples sit for 10 minutes and serve.

Happy Eating.

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Recipe: Fried Apples Recipe: Fried Apples Reviewed by Unknown on Friday, October 17, 2008 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. Candace,
    Ooo, I love fried apples. Thanks for what sounds like a great recipe!

    Oh, and also, thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting on "Seeds of Truth". Got a kick out of your comment.


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