Convention of Statesmen


Random Thoughts About Life

I just returned from seeing Mama Mia for the fourth time! I LOVE THAT MOVIE! I walk out of there with a spring in my step, a smile on my face and very, very happy! Great movie. Now, who else can I con into going with me? So far, my sister and my friends went with me on opening night. Alvin took me on my birthday. Sete, bless his heart, came with me on Wednesday. And today, one of my "missionary sons" and his fiance' went with me! Gotta love it!

Barack Obama is about to explode my brain. I had a conversation with a lovely little lady today who told me was supporting Barack Obama. Thank goodness she can't vote! When I asked her why she was supporting him she said she couldn't say why but that he seemed like a very nice guy. Holy Cow! People! Over a trillion in new taxes to pay for his universal health care, our increased dependence on foreign oil, our reduction in military and greater supplementation to environmentalists because Obama isn't bright enough to recognize the scam, governmentalized education and parenting . . . I could go on and on, and have. But can't people see what they are doing? They are voting for the complete and utter destruction of America under the presidency of a man who hates America and feels the need to apologize to the world for America.

For what?
  • For saving their butts in World War I?
  • For saving their butts in World War II?
  • For stopping the march of communism into South Korea?
  • For feeding and caring for the world?
  • For being there EVERY TIME a natural disaster hits, providing food, supplies and people?
  • For loaning everything to 3rd world countries and not demanding those funds back?
  • For fighting for the right to keep men's minds' free?
  • For the best health care system in the world?
  • For the greatest entrepreneurial society in the world?
What, Obama? What exactly are you apologizing for? You bastard! Don't you dare apologize to the world on our behalf. You have no right, nor do you have the authority. Traveling the world as if you were already the president of the United States. Don't let the accolades of societies who have sold their freedoms long ago go to your head. I, along with others like me, will fight you tooth and nail to keep America from turning into another freakin' Europe!

Moving on before I have an aneurysm. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the grass is green, and for the rest of today I'm going to ignore the national issues we are facing and just enjoy being free and an American. Don't know how long that state of being will continue, but I'm going to enjoy it for all its worth.

Along with a partner, we are looking to buy an established publishing house. Anybody have $3,000,000 you want to throw our way?

We are on our way to join Alvin's family for a Salima Family Reunion. So everybody have a great day and I'll check in tomorrow with a review on Surprise Packages by Nancy Anderson, Lael Littke and Carroll Hoffling Morris. Yes, that's what I'll be reading today when things get boring.

Enjoy your summer day!
Random Thoughts About Life Random Thoughts About Life Reviewed by Unknown on Thursday, July 31, 2008 Rating: 5


  1. My wife wants to see Mama Mia really bad. It hasn't hit our podunk town yet, and not sure when it will. We may have to drive the 90 miles to Billings to see a movie! We are hearing a lot of good things about Mama Mia. Emma Smith movie just came to our town this week, we did get to go see that and I thought about you and your firesides.

    Obama is sure sounding like he believes all the media hype about him. I think he thinks he may be the "chosen one". That freaks me out. I'm glad McCain is right there in the polls. And I am happy I am not hearing a lot about Huckabee being his running mate. I still don't think I could stomach that.

  2. Candace, if I had $3 million to throw around I would definitely invest. You would make a great publisher!

  3. We also thought is was very strange for Mr. Obama to tour the world and act as if he already was the new President of the US!
    But what do you mean by saying "...from turning America into another freakin' Europe"?
    You make it sound as if there's nothing but really bad things going on in all the different countries in Europe.
    Have fun at the Salima Family Reunion!

  4. What I mean by that Marja is that Islam has overtaken Belgium and France all without a shot fired. I mean that freedoms Americans regularly enjoy are not available to Europeans. The Amendments of our Constitution are sacrosanct, for very good reasons, and yet many Europeans abdicated those freedoms without realizing the far-reaching consequences. The moral fiber of Europe has dropped to sub-zero levels, America is still trying to keep that from happening.

    Those are just some of the things I mean. Do I think there are wonderful people in Europe? Of course I do, you're there! But would I want to live there? Nope.

  5. You are right about the Islam in Belgium and France. They haven't overtaken (yet), but there's a lot of influence. But please, don't think that Europe is just 1 big country!!! Holland is totally different from countries like Poland, Estland, Letland, Litouwen, Armenia, Romania, Slovenia, Bosnie Herzegovia, Servia, Slowakia, Tsjechië, Oekraine we don't like being compared to them. They have different Constitutions, morals, values, Political background etc.
    Turkey want to join the EU, no thank you! They're not even close to ready to join yet! Only the fact that women don't have anything to say there...not to mention their Political system. So please don't speak of Europe as 1 country...there are 46!! different ones.
    I believe Holland has the same freedoms as America, but, like some Americans, some Dutch people don't know how to deal with those freedoms.
    You speak of the moral fiber of "Europe", here in Holland we respect each other, and make sure to keep our morals and standards at a high level. We will all fight for that.
    Sometimes I think Americans have a very bad image of "European" people. I heared we are even called "Euro trash". I think that's very sad. I personally don't feel spoken to, because I know I'm not. But what it says to me, is that American people don't look at every country seperately, but as 1.
    I think we could have a really good conversation about all those topics (and more) together Candace! And maybe I would even be able to take away some of those prejudices.
    I love America, I love the people.
    It's just a shame American people think of "us" that way, and I wish I could change that.
    Love ya! :)

  6. Marja, I love you and you know that. You are one of the most wonderful people I know. And I don't consider you "Euro Trash", not in the slightest.

    You bring a very salient point home. All we see of Europe is the "anti-American, pro-socialism, loose morals" thing. Hollywood holds those up as ideals, saying we need to be more like that. I was the governments function on t.v. and am not impressed. I watch the people scream to be heard with no success. It makes me sad.

    You know what I think, Marja? I think you need to start a blog of your own and you need to speak up for the good people and countries of Europe. I'm more than happy to enter into a dialog about this.

  7. I love you too Candace.

    It's a shame that's all people get to see of Europe. Dutch people are not very anti-American, it's just because of you current President. We think he's the worst President your country has ever had, and we don't even want to think about Obama being elected...
    America has so much influence in this world, we all need a good American President.
    My daughter Amy just said to me yesterday, she talked to friends saying American people are (slowly) finally waking up now. They are starting to see through Obama: see an empty shell.

    I'm afraid I'm too shy and insecure to start my own blog...I'll think about it. :)

    I very much live by saying this:
    Improve the world, start with yourself.


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