Convention of Statesmen


Being Me is Just So Time Consuming

If only I could awaken to something as beautiful as this every single day.

But alas, I awaken to the city with mutant cottonwoods taking over my garden and back yard, the Japanese beetle sticking its stupid little nose in our neighborhood causing no planting for three years . . . oh, I could go on and on, but I won't. I'll just look at this picture and soak up the beauty.

So, I was checking blogs again, when I ran across one that gave me a fit of the giggles, even in its simplicity. Her entire entry was:
I'm reading Joe Jones by Anne Lamott...and just came across this quote that made me laugh in recognition: "She thinks: Being me is just so time consuming."I haven't been able to forget the quote. Being me is just so time consuming . . . it really is.
Here's the basis of an average day for me.

1. Roll out of bed, stagger down the hall dodging the piles of books my shelves no longer have room for and slump down in front of my computer.

2. Rub my eyes while things boot up, yawn and grimace at the cracking of my jaw and then push my hair out of my eyes.

3. While still in my PJs with my eyes barely open I began my work day, morning breath and all.
  • I check my email for orders and process them for my online bookstore, Renewal.
  • I check my blog for any comments that need to be addressed.
  • If I've already written it, upload my blog. If not, I write and then upload my blog.
  • I check other blogs, cruise the net for marketing ideas and writing tips as well as schedule firesides, speaking engagements and booksignings. Oh yeah, note to self. Check calendar for anything I have to do today that would require brushing of teeth, showering, putting on makeup and doing my hair.
  • I open my current manuscript on my computer, any one of the four I'm working on, and begin re-reading what I wrote the day before and hopefully pick up where I left off without staring at my computer screen with a dumbfounded look on my face wondering where the heck was going with what I'd written.
  • I open my internet browser to -- that would be Merriam Webster Online. Spelling is a problem when your half comatose.
4. That's when I notice that I'm supposed to meet my walking partner in 20 minutes. I hit Save on everything I've been working on, jump up and race down the hall, again dodging those same stacks of books, and change into exercise clothes in record time. I remember at the last second to brush my teeth so that she doesn't pass out when I greet her. Then run down the stairs, out the door and jump in my truck. My walking partner likes to walk along the river.

5. Stagger in from my walk. Jump in the shower and remember to close my mouth so I won't drown while I stand waiting for my brain and body to recover with the torture I just put it through.

6. Dry off, decide not to do my hair or makeup, put on sweats and head back to my computer.

7. Shoot! I forgot we don't have any clothes, I hit Save, just for good measure, run downstairs and get the laundry going, decide to vacuum the living room and make my bed.

8. Head back to the computer, but stop to answer the phone. It's my mom. I love talking to her, so thirty minutes later I hang up and take a step toward the office when I remember that it's probably time to put the clothes in the dryer and put another load in the washer.

About this time, as one thing begins to pile on another, I grab a book, curl up on the couch and just listen for the timer on the dryer while I dive in. And then I remember why I used to get up at 4:00 and write. I sure got a lot more done when I did that.

What was that about "early to bed, early to rise? Eeeewwwwww!" But I did produce three books and four screenplays that way. I guess no more nightlife for me.
Being Me is Just So Time Consuming Being Me is Just So Time Consuming Reviewed by Unknown on Tuesday, September 04, 2007 Rating: 5


  1. hi aka nora -- adorable post. this made me smile ... and feel tired to read it :)

    good day to ya, kathleen

  2. Thanks, Kathleen. Yeah, believe me, I get tired living it. I usually crash for a nap in the late morning before my husband returns from dialysis.

  3. I love it...I'll have to remember that one! I can feel your sure gets in the way of writing! Especially when you have 7 others dependent on you to cook, clean and fold wait- they can fold their own clothes, can't they?? grin.
    Have a good one! I'd like to wake up to that too, but at least I do have a wonderful back can come visit any time!

  4. Life is very intriguing, but it can get in the way of writing if you're not really determined. I have determined to become really determined again. Did I use the word determined enough? Determined, determined, determined . . . I'm trying the "if I say it enough times it WILL happen."

  5. candace -- when i first read this, i thought i was still reading what you said you saw on somebody else's blog. ah ha, so this is YOUR day. nap is a good thing. hope your hubby is doing okay with his treatment, too.

    blessings this day to you and your mate, kathleen

  6. well, i was over on wendy's new blog, and i noticed your comment about having a list of good blogs advailable! I had to come check it out... THANK YOU for providing that. (not that i NEED any more distractions during work, of course) :P

    anyway... if you don't mind, i think i'll come frequent your blog more often. You sound hilarious... even if you are running around in circles. Being married and motherless, however, made me look at your typical-day with a little bit of envy... :)

  7. Grateful to be Mormon,

    Thanks for dropping by -- yeah, I noticed that I needed to separate the quote from my day. So I took care of that.

    My nap was short but good.

    Alvin should be home in the next hour. After dialysis he usually sleeps for a couple of three hours and then he's good to go for the rest of the evening. That's just the way our life goes, so we try not to plan things on dialysis days.

  8. Paulette,

    Thanks for dropping by and of course you drop by every day . . . no worries. I'm a writer by profession. My mother raised me to love all truth and interesting things so my blog covers a variety of topics from humor to politics to religion to history to just plain ol' me spouting my opinion.

  9. Hey, but you get your exercise worked in there! That's pretty impressive!

  10. I just now realized we live in the same town (it was the Japanese Beetles reference that did it). Here's hoping we'll be rid of the curse in 3 years.

  11. Oh, and I meant to ask you where you got that gorgeous photo. Is that your parents' farm?

  12. Tristi,

    Thanks -- it's good to get that done out of the way. I'm walking with one friend in the morning and another at night. Here's hoping the results start to show soon.

  13. Julie Q

    Yup, that nasty little bugger is causing a lot of trouble.

    As to the picture, no it is not of my parents farm. I found it on Google and just fell in love with the picture.

  14. HA! love that quote and I swear our days aren't too dissimilar. :)

  15. It's a great quote isn't it? I can well imagine!

  16. Ha! Ha! I can so relate to this post.

    But at least you got your walking done. I was going to exercise and study scriptures as soon as the kids went to school.

    It's now two in the afternoon and no exercise, no scripture study, and no writing either, unless you count my blog.

    Oh, and of course because I haven't exercised yet I haven't showered either.

    So you're doing better than me.

  17. Believe me, I have quite a few days like that. I promise!

  18. Candace

    You crack me up! Great post. I have days like yours all the time...going from one thing to the other...and wondering why I feel stressed out and behind on e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g!!


  19. Hey Kat,

    Glad it made you laugh . . . when I look back all I can do is laugh, shake my head and move on.

  20. Thanks for sharing. The nominate a the worlds greatest husband is a cool idea. Thanks for coming to my blog and leaving comments. Isn't it an awesome age we live in where people around the globe can stop by for a visit and "get to know us" without ever leaving home. Thanks for leaing comments on other blogs so I could find yours. NOw I better go check on the kids ... they are WAY too quiet!

  21. Carrie,

    No problem. I want to celebrate the good men in our lives.

    And it is a wonderful age of technology where we can become acquainted with people we never would have met if not for blogland, facebook, bebo, myspace -- all of them, I guess. Anyway, it's great.

    Hope the house is still standing. Quiet children are a scary proposition.


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