Convention of Statesmen


May Fundraiser for Alvin Salima

May 4th (Businesses) and May 5th (Individuals and Families) are the dates for the May Fundraiser for Alvin's Kidney Transplant and associated costs. Our target is to pre-sell 700 plates between businesses and individuals. This will pay for the remainder of his dental needs (thanks to our old dentist) and get us back on track for the actual transplant. We have some amazing food waiting for those who take advantage. Not to mention, May 4th is our 17th Wedding Anniversary. How I adore my sweet husband, Alvin.

You may also email your pre-orders to me.

Copyright 2011. All rights reserved by Candace E. Salima.

May Fundraiser for Alvin Salima May Fundraiser for Alvin Salima Reviewed by Unknown on Monday, April 16, 2012 Rating: 5

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