Convention of Statesmen


Obama Set to Cede America's Sovereignty and Financial Future

United Nations Framework Convention of Climate Change

Lord Christopher Monckton spoke on the proposed UN Climate Change treaty which will rob America forever of her sovereignty. Lord Monckton spoke at the Minnesota Free Market Institute on the topic of global warming and debunked the entire thing. However, he also discussed the following:

"At [the 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference in] Copenhagen, this December, weeks away, a treaty will be signed. Your president will sign it. Most of the third world countries will sign it, because they think they’re going to get money out of it. Most of the left-wing regime from the European Union will rubber stamp it. Virtually nobody won’t sign it.

"I read that treaty. And what it says is this, that a world government is going to be created. The word “government” actually appears as the first of three purposes of the new entity. The second purpose is the transfer of wealth from the countries of the West to third world countries, in satisfaction of what is called, coyly, “climate debt” – because we’ve been burning CO2 and they haven’t. We’ve been screwing up the climate and they haven’t. And the third purpose of this new entity, this government, is enforcement.

"How many of you think that the word “election” or “democracy” or “vote” or “ballot” occurs anywhere in the 200 pages of that treaty? Quite right, it doesn’t appear once. So, at last, the communists who piled out of the Berlin Wall and into the environmental movement, who took over Greenpeace so that my friends who funded it left within a year, because [the communists] captured it – Now the apotheosis as at hand. They are about to impose a communist world government on the world. You have a president who has very strong sympathies with that point of view. He’s going to sign it. He’ll sign anything. He’s a Nobel Peace Prize [winner]; of course he’ll sign it.

"And the trouble is this; if that treaty is signed, if your Constitution says that it takes precedence over your Constitution (sic), and you can’t resign from that treaty unless you get agreement from all the other state parties – And because you’ll be the biggest paying country, they’re not going to let you out of it.

"So, thank you, America. You were the beacon of freedom to the world. It is a privilege merely to stand on this soil of freedom while it is still free. But, in the next few weeks, unless you stop it, your president will sign your freedom, your democracy, and your humanity away forever. And neither you nor any subsequent government you may elect will have any power whatsoever to take it back. That is how serious it is. I’ve read the treaty. I’ve seen this stuff about [world] government and climate debt and enforcement. They are going to do this to you whether you like it or not.

"But I think it is here, here in your great nation, which I so love and I so admire – it is here that perhaps, at this eleventh hour, at the fifty-ninth minute and fifty-ninth second, you will rise up and you will stop your president from signing that dreadful treaty, that purposeless treaty. For there is no problem with climate and, even if there were, an economic treaty does nothing to [help] it.

"So I end by saying to you the words that Winston Churchill addressed to your president in the darkest hour before the dawn of freedom in the Second World War. He quoted from your great poet Longfellow:

Sail on, O Ship of State!
Sail on, O Union, strong and great!
Humanity with all its fears,
With all the hopes of future years,
Is hanging breathless on thy fate!

# # #

Call your congressmen, senators and the White House every single day throughout the remainder of 2009. Tell them NO to U.N. Climate Change Treaty. Tell them NO to Cap & Trade. Tell them NO to Socialized Healthcare. Tell them NO to Socialism. Tell them NO to Communism. And then simply ask them, when they are going to start fulfilling their oath instead of violating and start defending the Constitution and the interests of the American people instead of robbing us of all we hold dear!

Long live America, her Constitution and her Republic. We will be that bastion of liberty and freedom again. We are America. And now is the hour. Stand up. Speak up. Be heard.

Copyright 2009. All rights reserved by Candace E. Salima.
Obama Set to Cede America's Sovereignty and Financial Future Obama Set to Cede America's Sovereignty and Financial Future Reviewed by Unknown on Tuesday, October 20, 2009 Rating: 5

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