Convention of Statesmen


World - Stop Whining!

The other day I had a chat with a friend of mine who grew up in Algeria but now lives in France. He is Muslim, a physician, and someone I have really come to respect although we have a couple of HUGE differences. I am a Christian and am an American, a proud and fierce defender of both.

We have discussed Jesus Christ vs. Allah (although my uncle, who is also Muslim, says Allah is Jehovah of the Old Testament . . . hate to tell you this - but Jesus Christ IS Jehovah,) the United States vs. the World and a lot more. Usually we find our commonality in "a lot more," because we are polar opposites in those other two subjects.

He made a statement the other day, "the whole world hates Americans, you know." To put it in context, we were discussing Islam and its goals, purposes and desires to rule the world. I had asked him three questions:
1. If peace-loving Muslims do not agree with the Jihadist terrorists, why don't peace-loving Muslims stand up to them and regulate their own?

2. Can peace-loving Muslims live side by side with those of other faiths without instigating "conversion by the sword" or wanting to install Sharia law?

-- and --

3. Why don't peace-loving Muslims join the fight against the terrorists trying to destroy the world?
I sincerely want to know the answer to these questions, that's why I asked him. We are told over and over that Islam is a religion of peace. But in no nation that is ruled by Islam is peace, by any means, the watch word. Subjugation, domination, torture, unspeakable acts against humanity and so much more. Before I asked him my questions I made it clear I wasn't trying to pick a fight, be offensive in any way shape or form and I didn't want him to think I was attacking his religion, because I wasn't. I really, really wanted to know the answers to these questions.

He didn't answer my questions. He told me I didn't know anything about Islam and he wanted to know what were my specific problems with Islam?

I replied:
I don't like the way Muslims treat women.

I don't like honor killings, I find them reprehensible, deplorable and criminal in action and in fact, the ultimate betray of familial relations. Inhumane and evil, honor killings are a crime against the women of the world.

I don't like the "convert by the Sword" mantra of the nation of Islam.

I don't like their methods of governing their people.

I don't like the law which requires the killing of anyone, as well as their family, who leaves the religion of Islam. There's a reason LDS missionaries don't proselyte in Muslim communities. The far-reaching consequences to family members still in Islamic-ruled nations is unacceptable to all human beings, except Muslims.

I don't like the dictatorships which seem to accompany Islam nations.

I don't like Sharia law.

I don't like the "holy war" or jihadist creed.

I don't like the complete lack of respect of our God-given rights to worship according to the dictates of our own consciences.
Does any of this ring a bell? Forced conversion, forced adherence to law, forced behavior according to the dictates of a few unjust and unrighteous men. . .war in heaven, anyone? Didn't we already fight this battle?

Anyway, the things listed above were just a few of the things that I told him. He sidestepped all those with "the whole world hates Americans, you know."

I learned what I know about Islam from the Quran (really don't like that book, gives me a creepy feeling) and the book Islam by Isma'il Al Faruqi, Ph.D., which was given to my uncle by his Imam to help me feel better about his conversion to Islam.

Let me just quote a little from Chapter 6 of this book (which, by the way, scared the hell out of me and didn't make me feel better at all:)
Chapter 6
The Islamic World Order

By affirming the brotherhood of all peoples, Islam denies the concept of ethnocentrism and the doctrine of election. As a universal religion, it aspires to include all nations within the Islamic state. This chapter explores Islam's universalism, the comprehensive nature of the Islamic state, and the Muslims' vision of establishing a world order that encompasses all of humanity. (Islam, Isma'il Al Faruqi, 1988 59)
Oh yeah, that made me feel better. The people who kill their daughters and sisters when they are raped, because they've dishonored the family while being victimized, yeah . . . those are the folks I want in charge. This book was so scary in its matter of factness . . . there's a reason I will fight to my last breath before allowing Islam, communism or socialism to take over this nation. Anyway, this is where my knowledge came from.

He's my friend, so I tried to not get a little hot under the collar, but it's me . . . you know what I mean? When I say I am a fierce patriot and defender of America, I ain't just whistlin' Dixie.

My response went something like this:

Well, if the world hates America then they need to quit come crying to us every time something goes wrong. It was American blood that was shed to end World War I. It was American blood shed to end World War II (400,000 American men and women lost to Hitler.) It was American blood shed to protect South Korea. It was American soldiers who forced Saddam out of Kuwait. It is to America the world cries and whines when genocide, tsunamis, hurricanes, cyclones and earthquakes occur. "Why aren't you here? Why weren't you here before it happened? Why didn't you predict this tragedy would occur and stop it?"

George W. Bush is the leader of the free world, and America is the last great superpower. We are a nation of protectors, not attackers. We are a nation that promotes freedom and democracy across the globe. We are a nation that answers that cry for help. We are a nation that believes in basic God-given freedoms that are inviolate. Are we perfect? No. But we're the best thing this world has going.

And what do we get for our trouble? We hate you!

Okay, what is the world? Three?!!!!!

And by the way, I still don't have the answers to my questions.

Written at today:

Knowledge is Power
How to Learn More About Mormons
World - Stop Whining! World - Stop Whining! Reviewed by Unknown on Sunday, October 28, 2007 Rating: 5


  1. I think you still didn't get the answers to your questions, because he just doesn't know them. Some people only think in one direction, and/or cannot be open to other peoples opinions/ideas, because of all the (to us Christians: wrong)influences you mentioned.
    Luv ya!

  2. Marja,

    Perhaps you are right. That is what comes of what being told to think and say 24 hours a day, 365 days a earth for the rest of your life.

    No room for growth, freedom of thought and choice . . . God given liberties to all of us.

  3. You'll probably never get those questions answered by any true believer in Islam. Doing so would be a denial of their beliefs.

    Great post.. I will stand beside you in your fight for America, freedom and the rights of all people.

  4. I'm guessing I never will get those answers, and I believe them to be very reasonable questions. My brother is about to receive his doctorate and it one in Political Science with an emphasis in Terrorism. He believes the Muslims can never truly side by side with Christians or anyone else in peace. He said things could be fine for years and then they go to the Mosque and are told to kill all infidels or their eternal salvation (my phrase not theirs) is at risk. He said they will kill all their neighbors because that's how they are raised.

    If others will join us in this fight to save America, I believe it can be done.

  5. Amen, Sister! (And I mean that in more than one conotation - I'm LDS, too btw, and a writer of YA novels. So "Sisters in Zion". ;-))

    Well written post, Candace. I've had those exact same questions ever since I started reading about Islam since 9/11, and nobody has any answers to those questions. Because there aren't any answers that make any sort of rational sense.

    Great blog. I've stopped here before, but this is the first time posting. Keep up the good fight!

    I'll also have to check in on your monthly meetings for when I'm in Provo picking up/dropping off my son at BYU.

  6. Hi Kimberly -- thanks. Definitely, you have to join us for one of our dinners or lunches. Our next dinner is November 9th. The way check is on the right-hand side column of my blog.

    As to the blog today -- I am definitely confirmed that Islam is Satan's Church. They use all the same techniques Satan used in Premortality that caused him and his followers to be cast out of heaven. I know it is a bold statement, but I'm not kidding when I say the more I learn the more I realize who is ultimately behind Islam. It's a very sad, but true statement. I've put off making it for years because I love my uncle show much. But he is very deceived and it breaks my heart.

    Let me know the next time you're picking up or dropping your son off at BYU. We'll do lunch!

  7. At least you've tried to do some honest research into the matter.

  8. True. I've tried to ease my mind and only ended up being more scared.

  9. Hey Candace, thanks for the post, too! It's really fun to *meet* you. I'm in New Mexico so we're not up in Provo that often, probably not until April when school gets out. We're flying my son home for Christmas. ;-)

    And YES! As my husband and I have discussed Islam over the past few years that is exactly what we've discovered, too. This is Satan's plan in a nutshell - to force people into certain behaviors. No choice or agency. Live by the letter of the law because the Imam's are watching. Doing things for show, not because you love God.
    Take for example, the men who crashed the planes on 9/11. Islam teaches fidelity and no drinking and yet these guys were partying the night before big time with alcohol and women. But they weren't in Saudia Arabia or Iraq so it didn't *count* somehow. That is twisted thinking. Deception.

    Satan is certainly laughing. He's suckered a billion people - and counting.

  10. Thank you for your post... I felt your frustration and anger with this gentleman (if I may call him that) I honestly have to say, even in our own community we find individuals who "hate" america. You are so right on when anything, or for that matter everything is and has been "America" who the world comes calling to. I want to state that I Love this country, and along with anyone who is willing to stand beside me, I will fight and stand up for our country, our belief, and freedom.

  11. Kimberly - scary isn't it?

    Gallups - you're welcome. It's difficult when you're honestly trying to understand and even the "horse" (as getting it straight from the horse's mouth) either doesn't know what's going on or won't admit it.

  12. AMEN, sister!
    In a High School English class, our teacher {student teacher} had us read the quran. I refused to read it beause I told her it was a religious text and that it viloated the law unles she was going to then bring in the bible and the book of mormon to read also .... when she said she didn't intend todo that I told her I didn't have to read it. Afterwards I had other students tell me that they wished they had had the guts to tell her that. We stopped reading it once I spoke up {the first day she broght it in.} I had more issues with this woman and was eventually kicked out of her class until I would apologize to her-- which I never did and I still passed!

  13. You GO girl! What a brilliant post.

  14. hi candace,
    thanks for writing. my eyes were really opened while i served in the Air Force and traveled to saudi arabia for two 3-week work trips. being in the Air Force let me see several countries and i am grateful for that experience. i know we have it so good living in america. and i will never live anywhere but alaska. when i volunteered for a work assignment here, i feel in love with the place immediately and that was 19 years ago.

    blessings this day to you and alvin,

  15. How sad that we as Latter-day Saints cannot appreciate a religion that contains beautiful doctrine. Have you ever been in a mosque and watched the tears on people's faces as they feel a connection with a God who is loving and compassioniate? Have you ever lived in a Middle East country and woken up to the haunting sound of the call to prayer? You are easily confusing deeply rooted cultural practices and extremism (which exists in some form or another in every religion) with religion itself. How can you call Islam "the church of Satan?" Have you not heard what general authorities have said about the inspiration God gave to people such as Muhammad? As a fellow Latter-day Saint, I am ashamed that people with your beliefs are the ones that get the voices. If you have not read articles and seen the news about the thousands upon thousands of moderate Muslims who have condemned terrorism and the practices you mentioned on paper and orally, you are not looking hard enough. You are not qualified to speak on the matter of Islam until you have been adequately informed. Please stop spreading your own ignorant opinions and reinforcing other impressionable minds until you have done the following:

    1. Read "Following Muhammad: Rethinking Islam in the Contemporary World" by Carl Ernst
    2. Read "Taking Back Islam: American Muslims Reclaim their Faith" edited by Michael Wolfe
    3. Read the chapter on Islam by BYU Professor James Toronto in "Religions of the World from an LDS Perspective" - published at BYU (by the way - you will never find a professor who is educated about Islam at BYU say that it is the church of Satan - on the contrary - general authorities and BYU administration have gone to great lengths to ensure that the Middle East Studies program is a priority)
    4. Read the Qur'an. You would not want a non-Mormon judging our religion until they had read the Book of Mormon, would you?
    5. Attend the Khadija mosque up in West Jordan, observe religious practices and actually TALK to Muslim women about the questions you asked.

    Best of wishes in your search more knowledge! The answers are out there for one who searches them out honestly.


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