It has been a tragic last week for France, and for the world. On November 13th a series of coordinated terrorist attacks occurred in France. Anywhere from 128 to 150 (the reports have varied) were murdered and over 350 wounded.
France responded by declaring a state of emergency and closing their borders. But Europe should have closed it's borders long ago before Muslims started pouring into their countries. Oh, call it what you will, but every attack was orchestrated by ISIS as was the downing of the Russian airliner, as are the brutal attacks on anyone not Muslim, or not of the particular faction of Islam that is ISIS (I can never remember whether they are Sunni or Shia.) I just don't care. What I do care about are the crucifixions, the gang rapes, the sexual slavery, the burning alive, and the beheadings. That I do care about. ISIS cares not if they are babies, toddlers, children, teenagers or adults, they are craven in their behavior and approach the level of demons in what they do.
Barack Obama and his ilk are adamant about not calling radical Islam what it is ... murderous and brutal. They won't even call these heathens Muslim. But they are all Muslim and bent on utterly destroying the world in order to establish their caliphate. They will convert you by the sword or kill you. There is no in between and there are no good neighbors planned.
I've heard plenty about Islam being a religion of peace. I've read your Quran, there is nothing peaceful about it. Not in the way Muslims treat women, and not in the way they treat their neighbors. America was established on the principles of freedom of religion, the press, and right to assemble. These are encompassed in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Islam would destroy all that and rob us of our eternal rights of freedom and liberty. Islam cannot, nor will it ever, coincide peacefully with other nations and religions.
Bringing Syrian refugees into America is tantamount to committing treason. Barack Obama and John Kerry, not to mention Hillary Clinton, are all for importing tens of thousands of Syrians into America. They are 95% young, healthy men who have no intention of becoming Americans, and have every intention of attacking America as soon as they get things organized. One Syrian already went missing from Louisiana and was found in another state. Trust me when I say, this is an invasion, not in any way shape or form are they refugees.
Bill Hemmer of Fox News is in France reporting on the G20 gathering.
"America’s Newsroom co-anchor Bill Hemmer was uncharacteristically opinionated and aggressive after President Barack Obama‘s remarks Monday morning at the G20 Summit over Friday’s French terror attacks. Hemmer — who hosts the late-morning news block on Fox News daily alongside Martha MacCallum — is in Paris, France with continuing coverage of the events, and was the first Fox personality to appear following Obama’s address. Although the coverage was most likely intended for Hemmer to summarize the speech and then toss to Fox’s Bret Baier for his analysis of the President’s news conference, Hemmer clearly editorialized his own views on the address, saying, “If you were waiting to hear a US President say, ‘I feel your pain’ or if you were waiting to hear a US President say, ‘It’s them or us,’ that is not what you just heard."
Here is the video of what he said:
My heart goes out to the people of France, no question. But their government's open border policies brought this on them, and we will see like attacks across Europe, and now in the United States. With refugees pouring into western nations we have nothing but war ahead of us.
ISIS has threatened Washington, D.C. as well as the capitols of other nations. Somehow they think this will stop the opposition to their reign of madness. We don't understand them and they don't understand us. The western world has pulled together twice before, and twice before America had to lend their weight to win the war. In fact, I would say there was no chance of winning until America entered the fray in both World Wars. The western world will unite once more to put the mad dogs down in the Middle East.
Just don't plan on Barack Obama leading out, he is a craven coward.
Copyright 2015. All rights reserved by Candace E. Salima.
Horror in Paris
Reviewed by Unknown
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Rating: 5
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So yesterday was the day! The Beautiful Bodacious Babbling Blogging Babes met for the first time at Golden Corral. I remembered a lot of thi...
I pledge allegiance ...
The American Flag
"When I see the American flag rippling in the breeze against the majesty of the Rocky Mountains, a thrill of patriotism runs through my soul. How I love America and all that she offers to her citizens and the world. We must protect her against all who would destroy her as an ensign to the world of freedom, liberty, and justice. May God bless America and the efforts of her citizens to restore her. May she always remain the last best hope of the earth." Candace E. Salima
The U.S. Constitution
Forever may we be free ...
This Nation Shall Not Fail
"Men may fail in this country, earthquakes may come, seas may heave beyond their bounds, there may be great drought, disaster, and hardship, but this nation, founded on principles laid down by men whom God raised up, will never fail. This is the cradle of humanity, where life on this earth began in the Garden of Eden. This is the place of the new Jerusalem. This is the place that the Lord said is favored above all other nations in all the world. This is the place where the Savior will come to His temple. This is the favored land in all the world. Yes, I repeat, men may fail, but this nation won't fail. I have faith in America; you and I must have faith in America, if we understand the teachings of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are living in a day when we must pay heed to these challenges.
"I plead with you not to preach pessimism. Preach that this is the greatest country in all the world. This is the favored land. This is the land of our forefathers. It is the nation that will stand despite whatever trials or crises it may yet have to pass through. (Ye Are the Light of the World, Harold B. Lee, p350-51)
Soft Tyranny in America
"Do not let soft tyranny destroy your desire to excel. Yes, it's a little harder these days, but it is up to you. American history is filled with men and women who refused to settle for the status quo, and no matter how hard it was, they reached for the exceptionalism that exists in each of us. Now it is our turn. We have over two centuries of triumphs and failures, but the triumphs eclipsed the failures. That, my friends, is how life rolls." Candace Salima
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