Convention of Statesmen


Battle of the Books: Shurtleff vs Bennett

KUTV's Mike Headrick did a story on Mark and Bob, otherwise known as Attorney General Mark Shurtleff and Senator Bob Bennett, both vying for Bob's seat which is up for taking in November 2010.

Both, interestingly enough, without the other knowing, having books being released within 8 weeks of each other. Bob Bennett's is religious, and sounds interesting. Mark's book, well you all know what that is about! Am I Not a Man? The Dred Scott Story. Check it out!

Copyright 2009. All rights reserved by Candace E. Salima.
Battle of the Books: Shurtleff vs Bennett Battle of the Books: Shurtleff vs Bennett Reviewed by Unknown on Tuesday, September 01, 2009 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. Both books look very interesting! I hope neither sways the voters though. Vote the issues, not the books.


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