Convention of Statesmen


Shopping:'s Wishlist

Christmas is coming. Yeah, it's my favorite time of year and not just because of the gifts. I absolutely adore the deeper meaning of Christmas. The Savior is my light and my world and celebrating His birth is my absolutely favorite thing to do.

But let's face facts, buying gifts for people is so much fun. But what is even more fun is knowing you're buying something they want. Alvin and I bought a birthday gift for our adorable little niece, Skye, who was turning four. We wandered through Wal-Mart and took a risk and bought a fairy princess outfit for her. The look of utter delight and swift intake of breath -- it was worth every moment spent wandering, debating and finally choosing and hoping she would like it. We lucked out, she did.

Did you know has a Wish List widget? Oh yeah, I have a wish list on That's how my husband knows exactly what I want for my birthday, anniversary and Christmas but he can choose from dozens of items so I have no idea what's coming. I add to the thing all the time. If you'll look down the right-hand side of my blogspot, you'll find mine there.

If you want one too, just click on Get Widget at the base of mine and you can have your own too. That way, everyone wanting to shop for you can simply drop by your blog and get something you really want. Convenient for one and all.

Happy Christmas Shopping!
Shopping:'s Wishlist Shopping:'s Wishlist Reviewed by Unknown on Tuesday, November 27, 2007 Rating: 5


  1. That is such a good idea!

    If I happen to want everything, will it just link to everything on the site?? :)

  2. That is such a gorgeous image in this post. You have lots of cool images. Where do you get them?

  3. Hi Tristi - yes, when you click on one of the products on the widget, it takes you straight to the link for purchase.

    Karlene - thanks. I just go to, type in the word "Christmas" and look through to find images that are copyrighted. Then I download them to my computer and then upload them to my blog.

  4. I love that picture, also. Quite Dickensian. And what a good idea from Amazon. Thinking of gifts for family you've known forever gets really difficult.

    By the way, there's a gift for some lucky person on my blog at the moment--free shipping and all :-)


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