Convention of Statesmen


George Strait - Cross My Heart

My husband is a big tough Samoan guy from Carson, California. He always likes to have a moment of silence when we pass the home of the Carson High Colts . . . me, I don't have much respect for them. I'm a Dolores Bear!

When we married we merged lives, families, cultures and music. This song by George Strait is one of Alvin's absolute favorite songs. In fact, he calls George Straight . . . wait for it, King George.

Check him out!

Huh . . . not too shabby. George happens to be a favorite of mine as well.

This post is just to tide us over until the BYU/Arizona game is over. So, I'll check back around 7 or 8 MST.
George Strait - Cross My Heart George Strait - Cross My Heart Reviewed by Unknown on Saturday, September 01, 2007 Rating: 5


  1. I love King George too. He has so many good songs I don't think I could pick a favorite!

  2. His voice is so beautiful. I love all his music too.

  3. Christmas Cookies is my favorite George song.
    Love this one too ... well, love them all ;)

    Thanks for stopping by - I will join - thank you.


  4. One of my favorite King George songs. It is from his movie, "Pure Country". I love George Straight.

  5. Dallas Meow and Sandra, thanks for dropping by my blog.

  6. my all time favorite song of his. love that song and thatg movie. sweet.

    thanks for stopping by my blog this week. i have had fun checking out your blog tonight.

    taek care, kathleen

  7. So Grateful to be Mormon,

    Great song, I know. Even though George isn't the greatest actor ever, gross understatement, I really enjoyed that movie too.

  8. hi candace, one more thing. why do you have LDS nora roberts in your name after candace? are you nora roberts or do you closely identify with her and love her work (like i saw you wrote in your profile about anything by her). just curious :)

    blessings to you and your hubby this Sabbath day,

  9. I was given the moniker 'LDS Nora Roberts' when my book, Out of the Shadows . . . Into the Light, was published. It is in the romantic suspense genre and I apparently have a writing style similar to Nora Roberts. Which I found to be the greatest compliment I could have received.

    I am knows as the LDS Nora Roberts because I write clean romantic suspense in the LDS market.

    Kind of convoluted, but there you have it. I'm very proud of the moniker as she one of my favorite writers.

  10. My cousins went to Carson High, I know what you mean, they love their beloved Carson HS. My Mom graduated from San Pedro HS and I graduated from Lakewood. Your hubby has great taste in music. I got to see King George in concert once. I'm having fun catching up on your blog. I'm back from Utah and so excited for Sean's journey this year at BYU.

  11. Mike, we have to see if Alvin knows your cousins. Drop me a line and tell me their names. I'll check with my husband as soon he is no longer comatose. He worked a 12 hour shift yesterday (3am to 2 pm) then another this morning (3am to 7pm) with little to no sleep. He's exhausted.

    Sean will have a blast this year, I promise. If he gets really involved in church activities, school activities, works on his studies . . . he'll do great.

    If he starts feeling lonely, have him get a hold of Alvin and me. We'll take care of him.

  12. hi candace: thanks for answering my question. that was a great compliment that someone told you :)

    blessings this day,

  13. Kathleen,

    No problem. Thanks for dropping by.

  14. hi candace,
    you posted a song awhile back that i thought was sooo cool. i can't remember what it was called or who sang it. you posted sometime in last few months because i have only been doing this "so grateful.." blog since apr and i remember seeing it. it was female singer/group. it was heartwarming. reminded us to appreciate what we have ... something like that. you said you saw it on your friend's site, so you posted it on yours, it was on your site via a utube clip i think. can you remember what it was and tell me? i want to get a copy of it. thanks candace.



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