by Candace Salima, a News Corner USA Editorial
Originally published on 12 January 2013
Has anybody noticed they are using the exact same tactics used in France long ago that led to the beheading of the aristocracy? For God's sake people, awaken to the manipulations going on around you. Stop with the deliberate ignorance, stop being lifeless, mindless robots, and wake up to the astonishing beauty of the American Spirit and BE AMERICANS!
The Chicago Teachers Union President, Karen Lewis jokes about beheading the rich. She stands there at her bully pulpit and casually throws references to the beheading of the rich and then quickly adds, "We're not at that time now." From the audience, we hear an addition to Lewis patently ridiculous comment, "Yet."
For six years I, and millions of other Americans, have been fighting day and night to educate America, to remind them of who we are as a nation, and as a people. For my own ancestry, we came to America in the mid 1500's, fleeing the monarchies of Europe to find a new life in an harsh and unforgiving land. Generation after generation answered the call to form this nation, fighting in wars, fighting their way westward, standing for religious liberty and freedom, I am descended of men and women who stood proud as Americans for five centuries and counting.
In my ancestral line there are monarchs, princes and princesses, dukes and duchesses, but more importantly, there are blacksmiths, bakers, grocers, ranchers, farmers, doctors, artists, musicians, actors and actresses, city planners and builders, a little bit of everything and all that coalesced into hundreds of thousands of my line living in America now. It is a tragic circumstance America finds herself in now. After all the tears, sweat, blood and sacrifice of generations upon generations before us, we stand at a moment where our freedoms are slipping away, the rich and wealthy are condemned for their successes, women are vilified for being conservative, men are castigated for the same, and madness reigns.
No, America has not descended into another civil war, but the pages of time have turned and we can either look closely at the book that is our history, or we can descend further into the economic and constitutional quagmire fostered by the those in power. I often quote Santayana, who loosely said, "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
We look to the histories of the world, and of our own nation, and the root of all that is happening in America is the complete erosion of the family unit and the American spirit. Instead of remembering that we are a strong, courageous, imaginative, determined, self-reliant people, half of America's population have embraced the "gimme" philosophy and are determined to bring us all down to the lowest common denominator. Instead of reaching for the stars, they would rather we slog about in the gutter, together.
Awaken to the greatness that is America. Understand that within our hearts is the ability to rise above the circumstances of today and remember...We are America.
I am America by Krista Branch
The Statue of Liberty is associated with the words: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." We, as Americans, must remember that it doesn't say: "Be tired, poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free." We are freedom's last stand on the earth, we must not fail.
Copyright 2013. All rights reserved by Candace E. Salima.
Awaken to the Beauty of the American Spirit
Reviewed by Unknown
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Rating: 5
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These are my parents, Fritz and Muriel Sluyter. With such parents, we were so incredibly blessed. They worked as a team, a united team, to r...
I pledge allegiance ...
The American Flag
"When I see the American flag rippling in the breeze against the majesty of the Rocky Mountains, a thrill of patriotism runs through my soul. How I love America and all that she offers to her citizens and the world. We must protect her against all who would destroy her as an ensign to the world of freedom, liberty, and justice. May God bless America and the efforts of her citizens to restore her. May she always remain the last best hope of the earth." Candace E. Salima
The U.S. Constitution
Forever may we be free ...
This Nation Shall Not Fail
"Men may fail in this country, earthquakes may come, seas may heave beyond their bounds, there may be great drought, disaster, and hardship, but this nation, founded on principles laid down by men whom God raised up, will never fail. This is the cradle of humanity, where life on this earth began in the Garden of Eden. This is the place of the new Jerusalem. This is the place that the Lord said is favored above all other nations in all the world. This is the place where the Savior will come to His temple. This is the favored land in all the world. Yes, I repeat, men may fail, but this nation won't fail. I have faith in America; you and I must have faith in America, if we understand the teachings of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are living in a day when we must pay heed to these challenges.
"I plead with you not to preach pessimism. Preach that this is the greatest country in all the world. This is the favored land. This is the land of our forefathers. It is the nation that will stand despite whatever trials or crises it may yet have to pass through. (Ye Are the Light of the World, Harold B. Lee, p350-51)
Soft Tyranny in America
"Do not let soft tyranny destroy your desire to excel. Yes, it's a little harder these days, but it is up to you. American history is filled with men and women who refused to settle for the status quo, and no matter how hard it was, they reached for the exceptionalism that exists in each of us. Now it is our turn. We have over two centuries of triumphs and failures, but the triumphs eclipsed the failures. That, my friends, is how life rolls." Candace Salima
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