Convention of Statesmen


US Daily Review: The Death Knell of a Nation, Part 1

US Daily Review
posted on 11 September 2011

by Candace Salima, contributor to US Daily Review

It is not often I sit down and take stock of my life. I know my life’s passions, besides God and my family, are politics and writing. It is what drives me and what fills my soul. The interesting thing? As much as it matters to me is how little it matters to those around me.

Interestingly, 80% of juvenile delinquents are functionally illiterate and yet getting adults to read, showing a good example to their children, is almost impossible. More than 60% of all prison inmates are functionally illiterate. Yet trying to get anyone to listen is like talking to someone blind, deaf and mute.

There are those who would rather play Warcraft, City of Heroes or a multitude of other multiplayer online games and video games then spend time reading to their children. Others would rather play football, basketball, racquetball . . . anything that keeps them from actually having to sit down and read or interact with their families. I’ve heard yet others say they don’t enjoy it and would rather walk over hot coals than read a book. (I’ve had that same reaction to some books too. But there are thousands upon thousands of authors and books. I promise you, if you will look, you’ll find authors you enjoy, and books you cannot put down.) Reading is at the core of all we are, and all we hope to become.

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Candace's strong conservative voice, without the anger and screaming, is finding it's place in the heart of Americans. Already the second highest ranked show on the All Fired Up! Radio network, Turning the Tide is attracting top guests and garnering praise across the board. As such, in order to expand Candace's message, we need to purchase studio equipment. A fundraiser is in process in order to help pay for these costs. Please donate via GoFundMe, even $10 will make all the difference. We have accomplished 1.88% of our goal. Candace is offering four new reward levels, click here for more details.

Thank you to each of you contributing to the fundraising effort of purchase studio equipment so that Turning the Tide can go out across the nation. How I love America and all that she offers to her citizens and the world. We must protect her against all who would destroy her as an ensign to the world of freedom, liberty, and justice. May God bless America and the efforts of her citizens to restore her. Please contribute what you are able.

Copyright 2011. All rights reserved by Candace E. Salima.
US Daily Review: The Death Knell of a Nation, Part 1 US Daily Review: The Death Knell of a Nation, Part 1 Reviewed by Unknown on Wednesday, September 14, 2011 Rating: 5

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