Convention of Statesmen


Chris Williams: My Burden Was Made Light

How often do we come face to face with our faith? And when that time comes will we walk the walk and talk the talk? Will we be able to turn it all over the Savior and allow Him to apply the Balm of Gilead to our shattered hearts and souls? 

I have been in a time and place where my heart and soul were shattered. I don't know that I lived up to my faith as deeply and completely as Chris Williams. I can only pray, study the Gospel and attend the temple when I am able and hope that I become even a fraction of the man whose life was shattered that day.

There is no one person between Heavenly Father and ourselves. That is the amazing thing about prayer. We don't "place a call" and have to work our way through CSRs, low-level managers, secretaries, assistants or voice mail. We pray and we get Heavenly Father. He truly does listen, love and watch over us night and day. He never stops loving us, ever. No matter what we do. Perhaps it is time we kneel, pray and talk with He who always listens. And here's the awesome part, if we learn to listen we can hear what He wants us to know. It's a little thing called "conversation."

Copyright 2010. All rights reserved by Candace E. Salima.
Chris Williams: My Burden Was Made Light Chris Williams: My Burden Was Made Light Reviewed by Unknown on Monday, October 04, 2010 Rating: 5

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