Convention of Statesmen


Morgan Philpot for Utah's 2nd Congressional District

I have publicly endorsed Morgan Philpot for Utah's 2nd Congressional District against the Democrat, Jim Matheson. For many reasons I have chosen Morgan, but one of the primary is his deep abiding love of the U.S. Constitution. One of my favorite stories about Morgan is from his time on the floor of the Utah State Legislature when he'd hold the U.S. Constitution in one hand and The Communist Manifesto in the other. Want to take a wild guess as to why he did that?

I'll tell you.

He would tell his colleagues which one they were quoting, the Constitution or the Communist Manifesto.

Since I've heard this story, I've had the opportunity to meet Morgan, research him a little more thoroughly and decide Utah would be best represented by Morgan Philpot, a true constitutional conservative over the increasingly liberal Jim Matheson. Morgan Philpot will join with Mike Lee, Jim DeMint, Michelle Bachman, Rand Paul, Ron Paul, Chuck DeVore and others in restoring reason and constitutional government to Washington, D.C.

Although Jason Chaffetz is my own congressman, I recommend those of you in the 2nd Congressional District cast your ballot for Morgan Philpot on November 2, 2010. Let's sweep the incumbents out, save the scant number of conservatives, of which Matheson is not, and get some common sense back into the hallowed halls of our Congress.

Copyright 2010. All rights reserved by Candace E. Salima.
Morgan Philpot for Utah's 2nd Congressional District Morgan Philpot for Utah's 2nd Congressional District Reviewed by Unknown on Saturday, July 03, 2010 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. So I translated what this means. Loosely:

    When a person's innermost feelings can hold the thing which different conflicts mutually, this person then started to become has the value.

    Yeah, I'm still trying to figure that out myself.


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