Convention of Statesmen


Mike Lee to Meet With Citizens of Utah County


OREM, UTAH - 10 June 2010 - U.S. Senate candidate Mike Lee will be speaking Tuesday, June 15th at Canyon View. Junior High School (655 East 950 North, Orem, UT, 7:00 p.m.) Mike will review his U.S. Constitution-based platform and conservative values with voters and hold a Q&A session afterward.

Since the release of his TV ad campaign, Mike’s supporters and followers have grown tremendously. “I can't wait to take Utah's values back to the Senate and cast votes against excessive government spending, earmarks and for the repeal of Obama's health care bill,” Mike said recently after casting his early vote on Monday.

Mike’s message has struck a chord with voters across Utah as they rally behind his call for restoring constitutional government to Washington, D.C. A principled conservative, Mike Lee is pleased to take this opportunity to meet with the voters of Utah County and answer their questions.

Mike has a proven track record of fighting for conservative principles. He fought the Obama administration in reopening 77 oil and gas leases in the Uintah Basin. He fought the ACLU in its efforts to have access to the Main Street Plaza in Salt Lake City. He fought for Kane County’s rights to maintain access roads on federal ground. He has presented arguments to the Utah legislature promoting a law that allows Utah to assert eminent domain rights against the federal government on Utah public lands. He has counseled grassroots groups on legal initiatives to protect state's rights.

Mike and his wife Sharon have three children and live in Alpine, Utah.

For more information:

Contact: Candace E. Salima

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Copyright 2010. All rights reserved by Candace E. Salima.
Mike Lee to Meet With Citizens of Utah County Mike Lee to Meet With Citizens of Utah County Reviewed by Unknown on Thursday, June 10, 2010 Rating: 5

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