Convention of Statesmen


Kudos to Arizona, You are standing up to your rights!

To all the morons who haven't read the Arizona bill I only have one thing to say: read the damn bill. It's only 16 pages. Oh wait, you can't read or speak English ... then go back home. Let me explain one more time: the cops can't address your illegal status unless you have been pulled over or arrested for some other clear violation of the law. There is no racism. There is no racial profiling. And Al Sharpton, shut your mouth until you can say something intelligent, oh heck, I'll settle for true. Juan Williams, ditto to you as well.

1) This law makes it a state crime as well as a federal crime to be an illegal immigrant. Now something can be done at the state level because the feds are refusing to do anything at all.

2) Illegal immigration is running rampant in the U.S. Point in fact, because 1 in 3 illegal crossings happen at the Arizona border the Mexican drug cartels have moved their war with their own government across the border and declared war on the citizens of Arizona, AMERICAN CITIZENS! Phoenix has become the #2 kidnap capital of the world, OF THE WORLD, due to illegal immigration. American citizens are dying and the federal government continues to do nothing. So the state of Arizona stepped up and did what the federal government wouldn't.

3) 72% of illegal immigrants commit identity theft upon crossing the border. Let's take the lowest number offered us in the U.S., there are 12 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. (the number I believe is closer to 20 million). 72% of 12 million is 8,640,000. 8,640,000 Americans are victims of identity theft directly tied to illegal immigration. This is not a victimless crime no matter what people say.

The federal government refuses to close our southern border, round up the illegal immigrants and send them home, send the illegal immigrants who are violent criminals back to their countries of origin to serve their time there, and stop all entitlement programs benefiting illegal immigrants. Then we can start getting the healthcare, criminal justice and welfare programs back to a healthier status and get a little financial stability here in America. Illegal immigration is a cancer on America, it must be completely excised. This is why Arizona took action, as are other states. We simply cannot afford to continue being the world's whipping boy.

Now, to the other American states who are calling Arizona a police state. Here's an idea, I agree with Bernie Goldberg and espoused the same sentiment on Facebook last week, ship all the illegal immigrants out of the states who do not want them and ship 'em to all the states who are screaming at the top of their lungs that anyone supporting this legislation is a racist. Let them pay for all the free health care. Let them pay for educating children who don't speak a word of English. Let me flood the job market and put more Americans out of work. Let their criminal justice system and foster care system be inundated with the children of illegal immigrants. Let their entitlement systems be strained to breaking point by illegal immigrants coming here to live the "good life." The western states which have been carrying the bulk of the illegal immigrant load can get a break for a change. Yeah, I like that idea. That way, states can be designated as "sanctuary states" and the rest of can get back to getting on an even keel.

Copyright 2010. All rights reserved by Candace E. Salima.
Kudos to Arizona, You are standing up to your rights! Kudos to Arizona, You are standing up to your rights! Reviewed by Unknown on Monday, May 03, 2010 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. I read this several days ago and pondered it.

    I'm not American. I'm Canadian and looking at this from an outside perspective.

    I understand your anger. Yes, illegal immigrants are a drain on American resources, I get that. Yes, many are criminals (according to you the great majority) and of course you don't want foreign criminal activity in your country, you grow enough of your own.

    My problem, bearing in mind the lovely previous post of yours that bore your testimony of Christ, is where is He in all this.

    You brought up not wanting to educate the children of these illegals. Why? Have the children done something wrong to deserve your contempt? Isn't it simply a case of you won the lottery of being born in the U.S. a land of plenty, and they weren't? For some reason that we don't completely understand, some people are born to family who have much and live in a nation where they can succeed and others are not.

    When Jesus told the story of the Good Samaritan, the Samaritan didn't ask the beaten man his nationality before helping him. He just helped, and he didn't complain about the cost nor the inconvenience, nor how much a strain it was on him.

    I suspect that many illegal aliens are not out to take away from you.

    I was in Mexico and was blessed to go into the home of a 15 year old that was helping to support his family. They were lovely people and very welcoming even though we didn't speak their language. They lived in a one room hut with a cement floor and no running water or electricity.

    I am sure that many Mexican people look across the border and see a land of plenty and either they don't know how to immigrate, or they can't afford the fees of a passport and paperwork, or they don't meet the criteria of having an education or family on the other side, become desperate to provide a better life for their family. A life that they know they can never achieve with their few pesos a day. It's not as easy to legally get into your country as it was when your ancestors did it.

    So lets say you live in a country where you know you can't succeed, and you want more for your children, what do you do?

    Have you ever talked to an illegal alien? Have you spoken to the women and found out what kind of life they've had?

    You are truly blessed to live where you do. That was not your decision nor anything that you earned. It was blessed upon you. God gave that to you, and for what purpose? Was it to look down on others who are not so blessed?

    I'm having trouble marrying the image of a woman who testifies of Christ in one post and then in the other that she doesn't want to educate or provide health care for children because of who their parents are.

    Perhaps you should give the same criteria to the American children of criminals? If your father commits a crime then you don't deserve to have an education or see a doctor.

    It sounds ridiculous put that way, but isn't that what you're advocating?

    I'm not trying to pass judgement on you, but on the other hand, you have called people morons who disagree with you.

    I would like to see a post on how you can be Christ like and hate illegal aliens at the same time. Maybe you don't hate, it's just what I'm getting from your posts that seem to be filled with anger. I'm just trying to find the connection. I'm assuming that because you blogged you are open to discussion and possibly open to a difference of opinion.

    It just seems to me that if Heavenly Father blesses you with so much, he expects much from you. All that He gives you isn't so much to be given to you, it's to be shared because ultimately everything is His. Are you sitting down at His table to enjoy His feast and refusing to sit by others or turning them away?

    Perhaps there's an answer to the problem that includes love.


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