Convention of Statesmen


Mitt Romney Addresses Faith Once Again

I miss Mitt Romney! John McCain has been tough for me handle and now that the news is reporting he's considering Huckabee as a running mate I am stunned. McCain's liberal politics have lowered him so much in my estimation, however, he is still better than Barack Obama. But if he adds a bigoted, closeted liberal as his running mate I will not vote for the man. It boils down to that, plain and simple. Where are the men and women of faith, integrity, courage and strength?

Here's one. Mitt Romney. Kathryn Jean Lopez, an editor with the National Review Online, one of my favorite stops on the internet, reports on Mitt Romney's latest speech . . . a speech of great power, strength and faith:

The Lord’s Work
Foundational politics.

By Kathryn Jean Lopez

New York, N.Y. — Former presidential candidate Mitt Romney defended the rights of atheists in a speech in Manhattan on Thursday night.

Recalling criticisms that he left nonbelievers out of his December speech on faith in America, Romney said: “Upon reflection, I came to understand that while I could defend their absence from my address, I had missed an opportunity . . . an opportunity to clearly assert that non-believers have just as great a stake as believers in defending religious liberty.”

He continued: “If a society takes it upon itself to prescribe and proscribe certain streams of belief — to prohibit certain less-favored strains of conscience — it may be the non-believer who is among the first to be condemned. A coercive monopoly of belief threatens everyone, whether we are talking about those who search the philosophies of men or follow the words of God.”

”We are all in this together,” Romney said. “Religious liberty and liberality of thought flow from the common conviction that it is freedom, not coercion, that exalts the individual just as it raises up the nation.”

Romney made his remarks at a dinner sponsored by the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty. The group honored the former Massachusetts governor and his wife, Ann, with its Canterbury Medal, for “resolutely and publicly refus[ing] to render to Caesar that which is God’s.”

The event was both an opportunity for Romney to revisit the speech he gave on religion in College Station, Texas, last December as well as an opportunity for an enthusiastic crowd of religious conservatives to thank the Romney family for defending religious liberty in America and for being themselves models of faithful people in public life.

The gratitude was most adamantly expressed by Ann Corkery, a supporter of the Romney presidential campaign who chaired Thursday night’s event. A Catholic, Corkery thanked Romney, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (as you may have heard during the campaign), for his speech. She called it a rare instance in which “a serious thought got to break through the noise.”

In the Becket speech, Romney also defended the contention that “religion requires freedom and that freedom requires religion.

“I love how plainly that thought was put by John Adams,” Romney said: “Without religion, this world would be something not fit to be mentioned in polite company, I mean Hell.”

The governor continued: “I don’t mean to suggest that truth can only be found in religion or that morality exists only among believers. But I do believe, like Adams and Washington and Hamilton, that ‘national morality,’ as Hamilton put it, ‘require[s] the aid of . . . divinely authoritative religion.’ I believe that religion is the most effective bulwark against moral relativism — which, as I have seen through my life, can be so malleable that it can label ‘evil good, and good evil,’ as it says in Isaiah, and ‘put darkness for light, and light for darkness.’”

In an interview with National Review Online, Romney called the December speech “the most memorable part of my campaign.” He said, “I had an opportunity that other people didn’t have, and I wanted to take advantage of that opportunity to talk about religious liberty.”

Asked if he wished he had given it sooner, he said, “You know, I haven’t given that any thought. It seemed like the right time, and in retrospect it still seems like it was the right time. People were considering the candidates at that point. There was a lot of interest in my faith, and it meant that there was an opportunity to talk about faith in America generally. That was the right time; much earlier, and people wouldn’t have been listening.”

It was enough to make a Romney-for-president supporter nostalgic and, frankly, utterly depressed about the loss in the primaries. Except for one thing: On Wednesday, John McCain had talked about religious liberty, too. He said: “There is no right more fundamental to a free society than the free practice of religion. Behind walls of prisons and persecuted before our very eyes in places like China, Iran, Burma, Sudan, North Korea, and Saudi Arabia are tens of thousands of people whose only crime is to worship God in their own way. No society that denies religious freedom can ever rightly claim to be good in some other way.”

The Arizona senator continued: “And no person can ever be true to any faith that believes in the dignity of all human life if they do not act out of concern for those whose dignity is assailed because of their faith. As President, I intend to make religious freedom a subject of great importance for the United States in our relations with other nations. I will work in close concert with democratic allies to raise the prominence of religious freedom in every available forum. Whether in bilateral negotiations, or in various multi-national organizations to which America belongs, I will make respect for the basic principle of religious freedom a priority in international relations.”

John McCain put his life on the line for liberty — including religious liberty — when he was a fighter pilot and prisoner of war in Vietnam. The witness of men and women in public life like Mitt and Ann Romney — who talked openly and honestly about religion in general, and their own religion, in a hostile political environment — reminds us that the ideas in McCain’s speech are rooted very deeply in the American character, and will continue to have a transformational potential in our future.

Beyond even the power of polls and primaries.

Thank God.
Okay, McCain made some points with me there. And yet, Mitt Romney, still, is the only Republican candidate who ran that I could support with my whole heart. I felt good about him. I knew him to be a man of faith, integrity, strength and courage. While I didn't agree 100% with him, I definitely agreed 99% of the time. With him, I knew America was going to be in safe hands for at least four more years. With him, I knew his economic brilliance would see a way out of the disaster our nation finds ourselves in . . .

Which brings me to a side point: Here's how we get out of the economic trouble we're in . . . stop living above our means. I heard a woman on the Dave Ramsey show last night who has a home with a $950,000 mortgage which is worth $1.3 or $1.4 million. She wants to get out of debt, but she doesn't want to sell her home. Oh yeah, she's a real estate agent, not the most stable of professions right now. It's a no brainer, but she cried at the thought of having to sell her home.

If everyone in this nation would simply sit down and cut out all the extras, create realistic budgets, and then stick to them . . . wow, we would be in a much better place. America is in the trouble she's in because people bought homes they couldn't afford, bought all recreation vehicles . . . if it was in the name of fun, people bought it.

Concentrate on your families' needs and began there. Cut back, you really don't need a $15,000 to $100,000 vacation every year. Really, I promise. You can survive without it. We don't need the government to bail us out. We need stop, assess and realign. Period.

Okay, back to Mitt Romney. I miss him. This is the first time in my adult life when I have been presented with a choice I'm having a hard time living with. John McCain. He's become far too liberal for my taste. He left moderate a long time ago.

And yet, I listen to Barack Obama and he terrifies me. His politics are communist, right down the line. A complete absence of freedom and personal responsibility.

And who's left? I either vote for John McCain or write in Mitt Romney, except Governor Romney asked me to throw my support behind McCain. Ugh, what a dilemma. But here's a definite, if Huckabee joins that ticket Romney's being written in. I won't vote for a McCain/Huckabee ticket.
Mitt Romney Addresses Faith Once Again Mitt Romney Addresses Faith Once Again Reviewed by Unknown on Sunday, May 18, 2008 Rating: 5


  1. I totally agree! I dropped an email to Mitt the day before he pulled from the race, begging him to please not quit! I said then that I would rather vote for Obama than for McCain or Huckabee. That was before I had learned much of Obama. Today there is no way I can vote for Obama! Mitt's staff wrote back, and encouraged me to support McCain, however I have struggled, and now if he picks Huckabee, I join you in detesting! I too will write in Mitt! Should we start a grass roots reform?


  2. That was a really great article that you shared Candace - thank you. I hadn't heard those remarks that McCain said and so I appreciated reading them - though they do little to heighten my opinion of him. Too little too late kind of thing.

    And I whole heartedly agree with you on the living-within-our-means thing.

    Hey, I wanted to watch your vid there on the refiners fire, but it says the vid is no longer available? Just fyi.

  3. I was once a romney blogger, but I reserve my rantings in 2012. I been reading the NRO almost daily especially The Corner. But I am so happy to know someone so successful like you is also a Romney supporter. I have written several articles published in RCP and other Romney supporters blogsites. Thanks for dropping by in our humble blogsite. Me and my wife are talking that someday when we get rich, we will invite you to come over to Manila and give a fireside. We will be looking for your book in a bookstore here in Saudi.

  4. Marta - yeah, dismal, isn't it?

    Ali - I know, I struggle daily with the presidential decision.

    Kenji - Mitt Romney is a good man and a great candidate. It was a sorry day that more of America couldn't see that in time to stop McCain who will surely destroy this nation, just slower than Obama or Clinton.

    As to coming to Manila to do a fireside. I'd love it. Of course, it takes one of us being rich.

  5. Hi Candace!

    I am seriously considering writing in Condoleeza Rice when I vote.

    I like her a lot, she's smart and savvy and would be a great choice.

    I may write in Romney, I may just check the McCain box, but this is the first election where I truly felt utter confusion as to what to do.

    I feel none of the choices we are being offered are wise or right ones. :(

    Thanks for your blog - as always, you are educational and informative!

  6. Hi Linda, It's difficult I know. I'm having a major struggle myself. Mitt Romney dropped me another email today and wrote of all the campaigning he's been doing for John McCain. Yeah, that was a big freakin' sigh you heard from me.


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