Convention of Statesmen


Remembering the Blessings

My heart needed a big sigh . . . isn't this picture simply beautiful? Sunrise over a mountain lake. I can simply feel the peace pouring into my soul. The majesty of God's creations never cease to delight and amaze me.

Last night I drove down to Ephraim, Utah to speak to Shirley Bahlmann's writing class followed by speaking to the townspeople who showed up afterward. Can I tell you how much I really love visiting Ephraim? I really enjoy that beautiful little town.

What a delightful experience it was. As I shared my experiences in becoming a published author, taught how to develop 3-dimensional characters and develop plot lines I smiled. It was so nice to see people interested in writing and reading. Answering their questions really made me grateful that I continue to study and hone my craft.

I am so grateful for the gifts my Father in Heaven has blessed me with. Not a day goes by that I don't thank Him for them . . . and then ask for help in improving them on a daily basis. I love to write, I want to be better (Shakespeare and Milton better move on over.) I love to sing but Barbara Streisand has nothing to fear from me, wish she did. I love to cook and with the advent of the Food Network channel and website I am reaching stratospheric levels with my cooking.

Do you want to know what I am very best at? Loving my Lord God, my husband, family and friends. My life is rich because of the magnitude of the people the Lord has placed around me. And as I sit here in the wee hours of the morning pouring out my heart in this blog, I thank each person who has touched, and continues to touch, my life. You enrich me in ways you will never know and understand. May the Lord bless and keep each of you safe in His arms. I wish for you the greatest of happiness, the strongest conquering of trials and the sweet comfort of the Savior's loving arms around you. If ever you falter, please come to me and let me shore you up - you are my friend, my family, my life.

Heaven or Hell? -- written by me today.
Merrill Osmond: Man of God
The Purpose of Prayer
The Book of Mormon

Cindy over at Rosehaven Cottage has granted me the most wonderful award! It touched my heart to be recognized in such a fashion. The "Change begins at home" award originates from Bean Sprouts and is given to bloggers who live what they preach, who try to make the changes in their own lives that they would like to see in the world.

Wow, this has just been a warm and fuzzy kind of day. As I was driving back last night my thoughts were on the state of the world, our Savior and what lies ahead and all I could think was, "What more can I do to save this country from the direction it is headed in? What more can I do to spread the gospel to the world? What more can I do to be the person I should?"

I didn't come up with any answers but I decided to spend more time in prayer, call Chris Cannon and have a sit down with him, talk with religious leaders, trusted friends and family members and see what more can be done. And now Rosehaven Cottage has recognized my efforts to fulfill the measure of my creation. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

The rules state that I must pass this on to three sites. I'm passing this on to: American Thinker, Donna's Journey and Each blog shares information and knowledge which can change the world.
Remembering the Blessings Remembering the Blessings Reviewed by Unknown on Thursday, October 11, 2007 Rating: 5


  1. That photo is awe inspiring, Candace. As is your blog. Wish I could function at that time of night/day. Is that picture for sharing? I'd love to put it on my blog.

  2. Thanks, Anne. Yes, you may use the picture. Have a great day!

  3. Great minds think alike -- I gave mine to Donna too. But her comment form won't let me in -- will you let her know she needs to come get it? Or at least, let her know I did it?

  4. You know what I love best about you Candace? You share your testimony in almost every post!

    I added you to my facebook (I think, still trying to figure it out), I hope you don't mind.

  5. Hi Tristi - yes, I'll let Donna know.

    Jen - thank you so much. And yes, I'll add you to my Facebook friends.

  6. What a well-deserved reward! Wonderful post.

  7. I'm glad you got the reward and I'm happy it made you feel the way it did. I really enjoy watching as it spreads to blogs I have never seen before, and bloggers who are changing the world in ways I never envisaged at the outset.

  8. Beautiful photo! Great post.

    Congrats on the award.


  9. Melanie - thanks. I really appreciate it.

    Kat - thanks so much.


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