Convention of Statesmen


No Fireside in Vegas Today

As Tristi and I drove home from Elsinore yesterday, I was struggling with trying to have the energy to stay up and recreate my Emma Smith: Elect Lady So Misunderstood fireside. I'd lost my notes and so figured I'd have to stay up until well after midnight reading Emma and Joseph: Their Divine Mission and Emma and Lucy. I was dreading the experience and sad because I was so tired I wasn't in the proper frame of mind. I had been praying since Friday night that I would have the energy, stamina and strength in order meet all of my obligations with a cheerful smile and for the ability to still hear the Spirit as I tried to share my knowledge and testimony of Emma Smith as an "elect lady."

I so adore Joseph and Emma and really looked forward to immersing myself in their lives again, but I was so disturbed by the time constraints.

Elsinore was a little dismal for me, only sold $30 worth of books -- which is close to an all-time low for me. So I was already a little disheartened and dreading the drive to Las Vegas this morning. Halfway through the trip home, through the rain and snow (no, this is not a picture of the road I drive -- just here so you get my point,) my phone rang. It was Sheila from Las Vegas telling me the fireside was going to have to be postponed. She felt terrible about it, but I assured her that it was fine and all she had to do was get me a new date and we'd take it from there. After we hung up, it was as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I was so excited, I could hardly wait to get home and climb into my bed and pass out.

So, when I get home from church today I'm going to take a nap, a really LONG nap, and then I'm going to curl up and simply enjoy those two books. I can scarcely wait!

Everyone have a wonderful Sabbath and enjoy reading my blogs on

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Happiness is . . .

No Fireside in Vegas Today No Fireside in Vegas Today Reviewed by Unknown on Sunday, October 21, 2007 Rating: 5


  1. hi candace:
    i loved the happiness is post. i tried to leave a comment there, but it was eaten. wanted to tell you amen sister! so agree! happiness is everything that has changed and improved in my life since i chose God and this church during the turning point of my life in may 2005. no greater gift, no greater peace. thanks for the post on it. i will never forget what it was like BEFORE that week and SINCE that week.

    happy Sabbath, kathleen :)

  2. Thanks, Kathleen. I'll let the developer know that your comment disappeared. I've had a couple of people tell me too. Have a great night.

  3. Sorry about the cancelation--but yeah, I know what you mean about being just plain relieved. That's happened to me too.

  4. Glad it worked out the way you needed it to. Are you self published?

  5. Hi Texasblue - no, I'm not self-published. I am published by an established company.

  6. I love it when things just work out perfectly. Sometimes I worry and worry and then things go better than I even dreamed they could.


  7. Janette - yeah, it was a major relief. I've got to be careful to not overbook myself like that. At least until I get rich and can fly from one venue to the next.

    Kat -- I do too. It's odd how we think things need to go according to plan but when the Lord tweaks it is ALWAYS better.

  8. Ah, the proverbial blessing in disguise. What relief!

  9. Definitely blessings in disguise! A nap sounds delightful!

  10. Without question a blessing in disguise and the nap was heavenly!


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