Convention of Statesmen


Simpsonized! Help Me Please!

Okay, I have to admit it. I hate the Simpsons. I know I am in the minority, but there you have it. I don't like the cartoon, the animation, the story lines, the characters . . . nothing. Nevertheless, here I am, caught up in the whirl of Simpsonmania. I'm so ashamed, but I went to and it happened . . . I've been Simpsonized. AND they are partnered with Burger King -- I don't like Burger King either. Pardon me while I hang my head in abject shame!

And then, even to my greater horror, I went back and did it again! I wanted different colored clothes and background. I mean I absolutely love to cook, it's one of my favorite things to do. But going to the movies, oh yeah.

So I went back to the website and started playing around with color. I eschewed the idea of tattoos and piercings, decided against the cowboy hat that would match my "way cool" capris and decided I should stop before I added a dog to the mix. They shed you know.

So, here I am. The Simpson version of Candace Salima. Somehow I do not think my mother will be pleased. God either. They worked pretty hard to have me turn out the way I am.

Big sigh . . . oh the horror, when will it end?

Help me, Please!

Okay, wait. I have to ask . . . what do think of the Simpsonized me?

At least I know who to blame: Ali, over at Girl in a Whirl. It's all her fault.
Simpsonized! Help Me Please! Simpsonized! Help Me Please! Reviewed by Unknown on Tuesday, August 07, 2007 Rating: 5


  1. Yeah, I know what you mean . . . I keep trying to upload my picture and I think I'm going to have to do a full body shot instead of the headshot because it keeps saying I don't have enough pixels. Who would have thought that the Simpsons would have such a hold on me?

  2. Crazy, isn't it? I feel drawn to the picture even though I look very Simpson like.

  3. Thanks, Jules. Yours looked great too.

  4. Yeah but I didn't make you spend ages finding *just the right* background for your little Simpsonized self to hang out in, now did I?

    Thanks for the plug!

  5. No problem, Ali. It was a fun thing to do.

  6. I hate the Simpsons also, but these pics were great.

  7. Ah Framed -- knew you had some good sense about you! Thanks for the compliment. I actually liked the picture too. It was a really fun little exercise. Now my husband wants to do the same thing.

  8. That is totally fun - I think you look great! I usually hit delete with all photos of self - lol - so have to dig through to find one that will work. Must be simpsonized!

  9. It was a lot of fun to do the Simpsonizing. Thanks, I'm glad you think it looks great.

    Find a photo, make sure it's at 300 dpi and about 5x7 and then upload to and then have a blast with it all.

  10. I hate the Simpson's too--have never liked them. but I might just do this . . . you make them look better already.

  11. At last, someone else who feels as I do. I think the Simpsons is a very crude, degrading, demoralizing terrible cartoon. I can't begin to understand how it has been on the air so long AND had a movie made out of it that is big at the box office.

    With that said, this Simpsonizing thing draws you in just to see what you'll like. If you do it, let me know. Julie Wright already did, she looked cute!

  12. I'm another anti-Simsonite. Fun blog though, and fun idea to cartoon ourselves. I'm all for laughing at myself :-)

  13. It is fun. Let me know when you've done it, I want to see.


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